Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/08/04/trump-helps-sing-mah-na-mah.html
He’s NOT about to fucking ruin Mah Nam Mah Nah for me.
I refuse to associate that beloved ditty with 45 who soils everything he gets near.
Yeah, not watching.
He’s not even remotely funny.
Mah nah mah nope.
Ha! It works.
As Rome burns…
Nice try, twitter, but that’s still only my second favourite re-working of Mah Nam Mah Nah, featuring a famous human and using the word “phenomenon” as part of the gag:
Trump: still not funny, even after killing 150,000 people.
I’m guessing he does know the song, but only from the italian porn film it came from originally.
Do tell…
I’ve always wondered where that tune originally came from…
(Pun intended.)
That song is phenom…, um phe…, it’s great.
I literally chuckled aloud.
Didn’t want to summon the backup singers
I can’t afford the copyright fees…
Mechanical royalties can be expensive…
This is where I type some nonsense about puppetry costing an arm and a hand
That is sick, pinch it off and never associate with the wonderful Muppets again.
Doo doo bee-doo-don’t!