Trump: "If you don’t have heaven, what’s the reason? Why do I have to be good?"

In today’s IFLS: Australian Magpies Prove Bullies Are Less Intelligent

Granted this is about birds and a single study but I have never expected him or his cult to make the connection that it requires social smarts over personal greed to make a society work, religion or no.


I have no problem with people practicing religion (as long as they don’t use it to harm others), but the idea that people are only behaving out of fear is sort of sickening to me. I mean, it’s better than nothing, so I’ll take it, but fuck me, I wish people could just be good for the sake of being good.


This is especially weird since Trump is a moral abyss by basically any standard of morality or ethics, theistic or atheistic.


I bet his parents spent a lot of time telling him that he was going to hell.



i agree ben affleck GIF

Didn’t think I was implying otherwise, tho.


Yeah, Trump’s revealing his inner self in that it’s very much the reasoning of a sociopath. Which at this point isn’t remotely surprising.

Yeah, that’s the thing - I don’t remotely think Trump believes in God/Heaven (I suspect he’s never even thought about it, even as it became a campaign issue), and he’s admitting that he’s got no moral or religious constraints on his actions. (He’s got constraints, but they’re entirely about what he thinks he can get away with without being socially ostracized and/or legally/financially punished.)

The weird word salad there tells us something (beside Trump’s disordered thinking), specifically the bit about “push people into subways.” There’s been a small number of high-profile random street violence incidences in New York city in the last couple of years, in particular people being pushed under subways, that got the right into a froth. So this is a not-so-coded way of talking about “urban” crime (in the incidents that got the most attention, the suspects were Black). In the right-wing narrative, the Black guy with mental health issues who randomly punches a white lady in the street is representative of the state of American crime, not, say, all the gun murders in red states…





He expects that when he dies he’s going to Heaven (strike 1), Saint Peter will come out to greet him to bypass the line of peons (strike 2), and when he’s escorted into the presence of God that He will get off His throne and beg Trump to have a seat (strike 3.)

I think he could fit in almost all of the circles of Hell.

  1. He’s way too sinful to be in the First Circle.
  2. The Second Circle (Lust) is a possibility.
  3. The Third Circle (Gluttony) is one too.
  4. The Fourth Circle (Greed) is obvious.
  5. The Fifth Circle (Wrath), yes, though I think his usual verbal tantrums would count him as passively wrathful rather than actively wrathful.
  6. The Sixth Circle (Heresy), yes due to the Trump Bible and perhaps the golden idol of himself at CPAC in 2021.
  7. The Seventh Circle (Violence) – maybe yes, maybe no. He hasn’t actually acted out physically himself but he’s certainly goaded others to violence. Is that Violence or Wrath, though?
  8. The Eighth Circle (Fraud) – that’s what he just got convicted of, and his whole modus operandi through his life, so yes.
  9. The Ninth Circle (Treachery) – in the second round, Traitors to their Country, probably.

I think it goes even deeper than that; I think he’s a true solipsist - he believes nothing really exists or matters except him.


The fifth circle is for sloth too, and there is no question he fits there. As for violence…Trump may not fight his own fights, but let’s not forget he’s a rapist.


Good points.

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Never has a better argument been made for The Humanities. It’s not like there haven’t been about a million books written on the topic over thousands of years.

I mean even the Ozark Mountain Daredevils managed to have a more nuanced take in a 3 minute pop song.


They’d have to tour him around on a golf cart on this circle.

I don’t think Donnie “Babyhands” Trump would ever have returned a shopping cart in his life, had he been someone who did his own shopping.


No: because a world overseen by a just God wouldn’t have Trump in it.


Frankly, at the end of the day, I don’t really care what people’s reasons are for how they act… I care more about how it impacts the rest of us… If people are doing it out of fear of god, or for the reasons you state, then great.

Okay cool, but :man_shrugging: not sure how else I was supposed to interpret that lol

Okay… People who are religious might not be acting out of “fear” of damnation, though.

And frankly, unless someone tells you what drives their behavior explicitly, does it matter that much? Most times, our interactions don’t include an in-depth explanation for one’s actions towards others… At least not in my experience. People’s motivations also tend to not be that simple (as Trump would have it, which again, is telling on their part).

Look at it this way - if someone helps you out, does it matter what their internal reasoning for doing so actually is? Whether it’s their post-life spreadsheet or current life spreadsheet? If at the end of it, they’re helping you and not using that as an opportunity to tell you why?


Like Trump behaves well.

No, but he talks about god, so that’s all these evangelicals care about…