Originally published at: Trump rally: God punishes anti-Trumpers
I will never understand how anyone who is serious about their Christian faith can support Trump. I understand the hypocrites among the preachers, but among genuine believers, it makes absolutely no sense. The guy has broken just about every one of the 10 Commandments, probably all of the 7 deadly sins, never goes to church, and can’t even tell which end of a bible is up.
May this “pastor” end up like the last person who tried that “God as mob enforcer” routine.
Because those people don’t actually believe most of the things they think they do.
And they don’t see themselves as hypocrites either, because that would require some kind of reflection and self-awareness.
Anarcho-nihilism seems to make sense if we get to that point. If our existence is outlawed them we gain the ultimate freedom of being able to do whatever we want until we are caught, because what difference would it make? What are they going to do, kill us again?
Bible verse of the day for the Trumpists
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
Judges 21:25
(I am not an anarcho-nihilist, or at least, not yet.)
Leaving aside the jokes about “Y’all Qaeda” and “Christia Taliban” etc. (American Christian fundamentalism is home-grown), this does remind me of something specific.
American Evangelicals want an American Inquisition. Trump is their High Inquisitor.
For the last 1000 years whenever society tried to slip out of the Christian Churches death grip, the chuch used Inquisitions and Witch Hunts to terrorize the population into submission.
This is the reason our Founders gave Americans Freedom of Religion. To stop the Christian reign of terror.
I was just gonna post that!
(emphasis mine)
There are plenty of genuine believers who are quite vocal against all this. They’re just being drowned out, and/or not covered by the media.
And as a result, this is now what people think ‘devout belief’ looks like. And they wonder why more and more people are leaving organized religion every year.
Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is forty and five.
Welcome to Howdy Arabia? 0_o
So… this is the god he’s talking about… right?
Before this devolves any more, I would point out that Christian misogyny far predates Islamic misogyny, and would exceed it given half a chance. Witness the MAGAt positions.
"Let’s not lose sight that this election is part of a spiritual battle. There are demonic forces at play.
No shit.
Pictured: Demonic Forces
I think they have called Trump their Cyrus the Great. How did Cyrus die again?
Who will be our Tomyris?
Added bonus: Tomyris was a Scythian, so she would have accepted and supported the existence of trans people
“genuine believers” are sheeps, they know their place and trump is just a tool of god; easy. /s