Trump invents "vicious" ISIS-X variant, promises it’s coming "soon"

Words cannot express how much I hate that “man”.


I see terrorists.


Dude, that ship sailed long time ago. Theocracy is pounding on America’s door, and oddly America is answering!


I was going to point out that he was on the phone, but then I wondered if he was vain or stupid enough to take his glasses off for a phone call.

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Normally you’d have a guest on a tv show who has knowledge of the situation, but Trump didn’t know what was going on during his own administration and knows less than nothing now. Which makes him perfect for Fox, where correct information and reasoned arguments have no place.

After four years, you have to ask that question? Yes, Trump is wrong. In this case, completely. It’s a combination of gibberish, wrong facts and fantasy. He’s almost always wrong, about everything, because he can’t be bothered to learn the most basic facts, and if he somehow does, he quickly forgets/ignores them in favor of whatever makes him look better. (Very, very rarely he’ll accidentally say something that’s almost correct, but it’s vanishingly rare.) Any analysis by him is premised on not knowing any of the facts, and based on delusional, irrational thinking, so it’s even worse.

I saw a poll done before September 2001, where a majority of Republicans indicated they wanted a theocracy rather than a democracy, but ever since then, the country’s been moving away from that (more and more Americans describing themselves as agnostic/atheist/“no religion”, fewer belonging to those right-wing evangelical churches), to the increased desperation of the religious right. That’s part of why they threw in with Trump - they know they’re on the decline, and will do anything to keep the power they had.


“This country has never seen stupidity like this…”

Dude. You have been the epicenter for the last few decades.

Fucking Biff.


As it turns out, they ain’t making White folk no more. Add below a laundry list of GOP/Kkkpublican laws/legislation anti child pro fetus bullshit for the answer.

P.S. Medicare for all would be a good idea right now, for all those White down trodden old farts. But that’s just crazy, I know.


Ah. I wondered where he’d lost ISISes L to W


I know some Kurds who would like a few words with you, Don. Those words include Turkey, selling us out and traitor.


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