Trump now demands "Either a new Election take place" or he is "declared the winner"

TFG’s blogpost makes some pretty startling claims about voter turnout. I wonder what their sources are?
Sadly, there was no contact link on the website, but only “shop” and “contribute” icons.


Ah, Doug and Dinsdale. They nailed my ears to the floor, but I deserved it.


Agreed. Go away pu$$ygrabber. Go yell at clouds.


Hopefully covid gets them first

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“I invoke the Mulligan Clause of the Constitution!”


His ignorance of government and disinterest in actually learning anything about it is obvious here, just as it was when he was president. The obvious question is: “who exactly does he think could grant his wish?” Of course his thinking never gets that far. To him, everything is personal, he can’t be bothered to understand how stuff works, he just thinks that if he yells loud enough, somebody will make it HAPPEN. He has certainly never read the constitution that he has sworn to uphold, and has a near-zero understanding of it. How such an obvious fuckwit got elected is still a wonder to me.


I guess sometimes, the bull in the China shop ends up managing the shop. While continuing to wreck it.


I think you hit the nail on the head with the secret-shooting-fantasy/toxic masculinity stuff.

Cool that you work in the game industry. I’ve heard it’s tough. Respect.
I’ve played shooters, god knows there are plenty. But I really like games that make you think. Indy games like Braid or even more mainstream games like Portal. Also a new-ish RPG game written in Rust called Veloren (it’s voxel based and looks a bit like Minecraft, but plays very differently). On mobile I really like this RTS game called Mindustry. Both of the latter are open source.


He’s not desperate. He sees no reason he will suffer any consequences for his actions, since [as far as he is concerned] he has never done anything wrong.
When he goes on ‘vacation’ to a country with no extradition treaties with the U.S, then he can be counted as ‘desperate’.

It wasn’t a ‘gaffe’. It was a warning to the holdouts in his party that refuse to acknowledge his supremeacy, as well as a veiled message to his worhipers that voting won’t be necessary for victory. Laws will be in place to overturn results they don’t like.

Another call to arms to his worshipers…

And just who is supposed to do this ‘decertification’?
This is just more FUD on his part & another demand for his worshipers to Take Action when it doesn’t happen.

I will be amazed if/when this bastid is taken into custody & charged with Sedition.
I would prefer he be charged with Treason & would pay to see him executed.


In the meantime, maybe this will keep him busy and calm down the tantrum:


he may not understand the legal consequences he’s facing, but he might be dimly aware that approximately two minutes after his political career is over his own children are going to start carving up his empire and planning his funeral


The governors mansion in Louisiana is a scaled down replica of the white house, because Huey Long wanted to be president.


Nah, that won’t work. It can’t work.
Because it is about Amy and not about HIM.


The simplistic solution of applying violence to problems has a good deal of appeal to people frustrated by how complicated the world usually is. “Them bad, us good, fighting is the solution,” is at the core of a lot of fiction because you don’t really have time for much nuance in a two hour movie. It’s also simple and reassuring.

Few of us have the opportunity to be heroes, and even fewer would actually BE heroes if presented with that opportunity. But that desire to be one has been filling militaries both authoritarian and otherwise for millennia.


I mean, that’s literally what local GOP ranks have been doing for years. I live in a red state, and not one person here will even go on the record saying out loud that Biden’s the Pres.

I desperately want this tantrum to last until the mid-term elections. Imagine getting supermajorites in both the house & senate b/c Trump’s idiots refused to vote!


The article is paywalled, so here’s the Wikipedia entry:

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ah shoot. It’s a colorful writeup.

a few paragraphs

This wasn’t exactly news to those who had followed Long’s career. In 1930, when former President Calvin Coolidge swung through Louisiana, Huey asked him in front of the press, “Are the Hoovers good housekeepers?”

“I guess so,” said the ex-president.

“Well,” the governor went on, "when I was elected I found the governor’s mansion in such rotten shape that I had to tear it down and build another. It started a hell of a row. I don’t want to have to tear down the White House when I’m elected.”

Long reportedly confided to supporters that his third-party run would not win him the presidency in 1936, but it would prevent Roosevelt from reelection. Thus a Republican would be in power with the economy still wrecked, making 1940 ripe for the taking. “I’m going to abolish the Electoral College,” he crowed. “And I defy any sonofabitch to get me out under four terms.”


Well, that’s something else I thought was definitely over.


For sure. This is the appeal of super hero movies and lots of other media as well, I’m sure. The idea of clear bad guys and clear good guys where problems can be solved by the latter shooting the former is a classic storyline for a reason, I guess.

Not to defend these clowns, but I do suspect the rise of fascist militias and the like may be due in very small part to existential crises like climate change, government corruption, and wealth inequality. Problems for which the solutions are hard, imperfect, and slow.

Not that this justifies any of this of course. We’re all faced with complicated problems with unsatisfying answers too, but none of us choose to turn into sociopaths over it. It’s of course much more about loss of privilege being viewed as “oppression”, racism, toxic masculinity, etc. I’m being very clear on that point here, lest anyone think otherwise.


Wow, that sounds like a pre-Trump Trump. Terrifying.