Trump offered Assange pardon in exchange for covering up Russian DNC hack, says lawyer

Donald John Trump’s guilt is overwhelming.

Alright, I was wrong, I may have not been following this as closely as I thought. It seems that Assange has left his ideals and gone full on grudge against Clinton mode:

I still think this is somewhat understandable given the way he was/is treated. But I probably need to take him of the list of people that are “fighting the good fight”. He will still remain on the list of “people that have been fucked over by the US for daring to stand up to them”.


And nobody here can prove he had “dirt” on Trump or the GOP that he withheld. I find it very farfetched that he would hide any dirt he had on them. But if you are insisting we believe that based on nothing go right ahead, I just won’t join you.

Um, this is an article about how Assange’s lawyer is now saying Dana Rohrbacher, (who, according to Kevin McCarthy, is Putin’s favorite American politician, along with Trump) conspired to offer Assange a pardon in exchange for a story that protected Trump. In 2017, when it might have contributed a bit, maybe, to the Mueller report, the midterm voting, or subsequent attempts to rein in Trump. This is an example of dirt that he sat on.


Thank you. It’s always gratifying to learn there are still people online who can change their political opinions given new information.


I appreciate that you’re reading more on him to get some more perspective. It’s quite possible that people who do divulge similar dirt on Putin are promptly killed, so we don’t hear much about them. The US does a hell of a lot wrong, many of our Presidents are trash, but also gets things a hell of a lot more right than Putin and Russia does. If you want to push the world in a better direction, attacking the US while defending Putin seems wrong headed to me. It’s a bit odd that he seemed to buddy up with Nigel Farage and Trump associates, who I think are pushing the world in a bad direction.


Doesn’t Assange already deny that his source for the DNC datadump was from Russians?

Hey, just because he has repeated this denial a few times does not anyone who knows that THE RUSSIANS DID IT

Listen to the first part of this cnn video. Of course the rest of the clip was a wild attack on the interview.

To be fair to you, that Venn diagram looks like a Picasso painting. Spattered with body fluids, under UV light.

The opposite of both is neither. Attacking the US for global policies that have caused harm is right in line with attacking Putin, Farage, and Trump. Picking one or the other is choosing between bad choices.


As I understand it, it is not illegal for party machines to rig the primaries. It is the same for nominating conventions in other countries. What is different in the US is that the primaries seem to have some sort of legal status.

Didn’t I hear recently that the Deutsch Bank loans to Trump were guaranteed by a Russian bank? Which would be reason enough for Trump to say “I believe Putin when he says they didn’t do it”?

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Maybe Julian is allergic to polonium?

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I think a lot of it is state laws, as well as in-house by laws of the respective parties. Overt signs of rigging when it’s a close call seem unfair and offensive, but in the 2020 election, several states decided to not have Republican primaries, as it’s assumed Trump is the nominee, and it’s not a big deal.

And suspicious that he won’t release his taxes, which may reflect YUUUGE amounts of cash coming in from Russian sources. Curious how future historians will describe how so much of the US just sort of shrugged and elected a compromised president.


There are plenty of political, personal and financial reasons for Trump to deny Putin’s involvement but the simplest is a basic matter of ego: acknowledging that Russia meddled in the election would be akin to admitting he might not have been able to win on his own.


True, and his embarrassment is a security threat. They don’t have to bribe him, or even threaten to release pee tapes or evidence of cheap loans to him. All they have to do is threaten to release evidence they helped get him elected, and he couldn’t have done it without their help.


I’m not sure they even have to do that. Trump’s interests are so closely aligned with Putin’s already that there’s little need to bribe OR threaten him to get him to do what Putin wants.


He’s a weird combo of media savvy and ignorant/stupid/short sighted. I’m sure he needs a minder.


Weakening the United States by helping to install an ignorant/stupid/short-sighted President WAS Putin’s goal. If he manages to leverage more out of Trump than that then it’s just icing on the cake.

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was a response to this:

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I’ve learned that even an idiot who spends time around experienced professionals can pick up a few cues to keep them in the game and arm them with just enough info to make them dangerous.


FWIW, back in 2017 when the meeting with Rohrabacher happened the meeting’s facilitator publicly told Yahoo news that the purpose was to “Grant a preemptive pardon to Assange (who has been under Justice Department investigation for years, although he has never been charged) and the WikiLeaks founder would, in exchange, turn over ‘irrefutable’ evidence that he didn’t get the Democratic National Committee emails from Russia, but from another source.”

I’d also note that said facilitator was racist chucklefuck Charles C. Johnson (pictured in the linked article innocently making an ‘OK’ sign).