Trump orders Barr to defund 'anarchist jurisdictions'— Seattle, NYC, Portland, Washington DC

Sure, and after months of arguments the courts could rule against it. Then they would call… the Justice Department, i.e. Barr, the one who was ordered to come up with the plan… to enforce their ruling… :thinking:


Not quite.

At first, the antichrist is supposed to be admired and revered by the world at large, and is supposed to bring about a “false world peace,” lasting three to seven years; to lull the masses into complete obedience, then at which point he’s supposed to force them all to get marks of the beast (666) which will permanently doom them to Hell once the horns of Armageddon sound.

And while this clusterfuck may seem like what’s described as “the Tribulations” all these fake-ass Xtain thumpers seemed to have missed the fact that there’s never been any kind of worldwide peace, false or otherwise.


I think that rules out everyone, past, present or future.


Well okay, maybe not everyone so excuse the hyperbole… but it would still be a metric fuckton more people than those that claim to like 45.

Also did I mention ‘the Rapture,’ where hella true believers are just supposed to be swept up into heaven before all the heinous shit really hits the fan?

Haven’t seen no parts of that business yet, either.


that’s giving her too much credit. personally, i think she looked delighted.

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sorry to be bleak, but what good would it do you? nobody ( or close to it ) is allowing americans in because covid

[edit] as @ChuckV points out, the letters n, o, and n – in that order – when used as a prefix to another word have a particular and important meaning. in this particular usage, @tsath was in fact lamenting the very thing i was trying to point out. in fact we stand, or sit – hopefully we don’t drive, at least not while looking at boingboing – in common lamentation.



I was brought up Anglican, we didn’t have the rapture.

Not that it came up in church often, if at all. Most of what I remember was go out and do good, and try to be the people that Jesus wants us to be.


Lucky you; the pentecostals who indoctrinated us were all about the supernatural scare tactics, replete with predictions of “the dead rising up first” and everything…


Roman Catholic here or as we were brought up to think “Irish” Catholic: (Hey I’m from Boston MA so sue me…) We had the Rapture, Hell and Brimstone preaching and Jesus was absolutely present, In-Person, in the little box on the altar during my formative years.

What kills me about this headline is that my President is planning to “Defund the Police” in Democratic cities. What a friggin’ maroon.


Well there was a mildly amusing joke back in 2016 that the Rapture had happened but only David Bowie, Prince and Alan Rickman were deemed worthy. That doesn’t seem nearly as funny any more.


I thought that the Feds had access to their own air transport?


The ANTIFA boogeyman is the new Satanic Panic- absolutely baseless and, in fact, incredibly stupid and implausible to anyone with a brain, but a critical mass of morons believe in it so it’s now “reality” to many people. I hope it doesn’t keep going and become the new Red Scare, because I doubt asking “Have you no sense of decency, sir?” will make much of an impression this time around.


If those cities were really anarchist (for example as in anarcho-syndicalism), I’d seriously consider moving there.


So, he’s basically conceding he has absolutely no possibility of getting blue states’ electoral votes, and thinks that if he destroys the blue states, he’ll garner the votes of the toss-up states?

What if a toss-up state starts to lean more and more blue? Do they risk being similarly eviscerated?

In American history, even in the run-up to the Civil War, there has never been a more baldly divisive president. What human being could even conceive of this type of policy, except one who intended to sever the nation into two (or more) pieces?


If those cities were really anarchist they would have seceded from the USA already.




You’ve got it exactly right: this is yet another empty populist appeal to the Know-Nothing 27%. Large and diverse cities are hated by his base – including by members who live in those cities.

What’s discouraging (but not surprising) is that Biden has responded not by calling out the divisive BS for what it is but by claiming he’s the real law-and-order candidate, opposed to street violence from both sides.


“I’ve talked to every police chief in every city where there has been major violence and they all have identified Antifa as the ramrod for the violence,”

Sigh. Such poor understanding of the English language and muzzleloaders.


I saw them in Poughkeepsie back in the day, they opened for The Cramps.

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And that’s what I keep forgetting. Whenever one of this administration starts talking crazy about Democrats, I need to remind myself to flip their statement around. They’re probably projecting again. They are most likely admitting their shady actions. I keep forgetting to do that and instead just weep at my governing officials believing in conspiracies.