Trump rally youth: 'Aunt Jemima was canceled… She was the picture of the American dream'

I find the thought hilarious, that someone’s world absolutely has to be chock full racist imagery, but that none of it’s ever for racist reasons. Give her an hour and you could cancel the olympics; because the mental gymnastics would be gold. Buuuut, I’m guessing she’s not doing it to be funny, because humor requires some basic intelligence.


She’s… just… so, so, very wrong. The story of the name Aunt Jemima is EVEN WORSE than you can imagine. It comes from the creators having attended a BLACKFACE show where the performers dressed up as black “mammies” and sang the song “Aunt Jemima.” They copied the lithograph used for the performance - a lithograph of white men dressed as black women and in black face - as their advertising.

It’s so fucking racist through and through that the company should simply die of complete embarrassment that it continued this long!


When I first saw the photo of Regan, I thought it was Ivanka. But now I am a bit worried for her being at the rally for a man with a predilection for grabbing women and who stated he would date his daughter. Now I just want to shout,

“Run Regan Run. Go downhill!”


So, just for those keeping score…
Things that bother liberals:

  1. Systemic racism and murderous, corrupt police
  2. Incompetent, incoherent, immoral, fascist wannabe-dictator president
  3. Existential threats due to unchecked climate change, pandemics, nuclear war, etc.

Things that bother Trumpers:

  1. Having to be considerate to others for any reason ever
  2. Coffee cups that say “Happy Holidays”
  3. Fewer Civil War-era racist stereotypes on grocery store shelves

Hardly a complete list, but it’s all much the same.

By the way, Mrs. Butterworth’s Mammy-shaped syrup bottles are also being given the boot. I’m glad, but I hope they don’t replace them with a boring bottle-shaped-bottle. Maybe give the whole brand a goth-themed revamp and partner up with Crystal Head vodka…


“Be careful what you pretend to be, because you are what you pretend to be.”

I first heard this 30 years ago or so, in Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut. The narrator is a war criminal, a former Nazi propagandist who worked in a Fox-News-type role in Germany, spewing out racist, nationalist garbage on the radio during the war. But that was just his cover, because he was really an American patriot, a spy who sent out top secret information on public airwaves. He helped the Allies win the war!

…of course, he was still a Nazi propagandist who spewed racist, nationalist garbage. As much as Alex Jones and other right-wing nutbags like to say they’re just entertainers, and everything they do is just an act to make money… well… they are what they pretend to be.


I like that term! Perfect.

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Jack regan



Apropos of nothing, just wanted to say I have always loved the name Jemima because I associated the name with this one.


Oh, and she’s a stereotypically attractive blonde female. I bet she’s just putting out content to show the interviewer when she goes to apply at FOX news.

Shitty part is that she’ll probably get the job.


Somehow, that’s worse then.

Great. Now I’m going to have to edit this comment in the future. You know you’re making more work for the editors. /s :wink:

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I think she took that advise already. Without breaks.

There it is - the only reason left to still support Trump - because you’re a racist POS, and want society to give you leeway to be a racist POS.

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This often gets lost in culture war conversations. It is irrelevant what you think you are. What you do defines you. It doesn’t matter if you don’t think you are a racist or don’t feel like you have racist feelings. If you do racist things, that is what you are in that moment. We all are sometimes- some more than others.


That’s rich. Rich like that sweet, sweet, delicious butter syrup that will result in crippling diabetes.

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I went the same way a couple of days ago when one of the usual RW cranks at GoComics came in and dramatically announced that we darn liberals were erasing a successful woman, and bootstraps (bootstrap molasses?), and cancel culture, and WE SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED.

I expect he was operating off the same script as the Stepford Co-Ed here. Thicker than molasses. I’m thinking Karo dark corn syrup on a cold morning.


They’re going to remodel Mrs. Butterworth to look like Hillary Clinton, and change her name to Mrs. ButterEmails.


When I heard the news about Mrs. Butterworth, I hoped they would change it to Mrs. Doubtfire and model the bottle on Robin Williams.


You probably know better than most, then.

Yes. It is. These are the people riding the Trump train now.