Trump saw evidence in 2017 Putin attacked U.S. elections

Her emails.


I would rate that as a repeated applause line rather than a core belief.


Let’s say he’s not a Russian asset. Let’s say he is just a moron. Cool. But ask yourself this, if he was a Russian asset, what would he be doing differently?


Pee tape trumps US Intel every time.

Plus these are all “Obama people” so deep state.




Other than that, he has what he imagines are guiding principles:

  1. Keep everyone off balance, all the time.
  2. Loyalty is from, not to.
  3. Controversy is a valuable tool.

The interesting thing to me is that he implements these principles 100% of the time, without a thought to goals he might achieve or fail to achieve.


They do so love their guns…

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The wind howls, and blowing snow obscures visibility almost totally. DONALD TRUMP, hair blown wildly by the wind, staggers into view, escorted by a FIGURE bundled up in a heavy parka.

TRUMP: (shouts) How much longer? Are we in Russia yet?

FIGURE: (muffled) Not much farther, Mr President.

TRUMP: But it’s been forty-five minutes already. You said you could see Russia from your house!

The FIGURE lowers her hood. It is SARAH PALIN.

PALIN: I never said that. The liberals said I did. Liberals always lie, Mr President. You know that.

TRUMP sinks to his knees in the snow.

TRUMP: (weakly) I can’t go on. My bone spurs are killing me.

PALIN: So what do you want to do, Mr President? Just go back to the house and watch Fox News until the Democrats come for you?

TRUMP: Can we do that?

PALIN drags TRUMP to his feet.

PALIN: Not on my watch, Mr President. I said I’d get you to Russia, and I will. Now let’s get moving. This snowstorm won’t keep the leftist attack helicopters grounded forever.


He’s very much the sort where the ends justify the means. He’s been the first person willing to forgive Putin. Rather than condemn Russia, our President openly admires Putin. Rather than strengthening NATO to keep Russia in check, our President publicly insults our closest allies.

Trump will be in the history books next to Zachary Taylor, Andrew Johnson, and Warren G. Harding.


Yeah, more like a comedian’s catchphrase. If only it were funny.

The means ARE the ends. There are no goals, just means. That’s all.


Trump is in a whole different category, a couple of orders of magnitude worse than these three dudes.


Some perspective is necessary here. Despite all the crap Nixon did, he doesn’t usually make lists of worst Presidents. I think history will try to forgive a lot of Trump bombastic and eradicate behavior. But in terms of diplomacy and international policy I expect historians to be very critical of Donald Trump. As for packing the supreme court with conservative judges, I think that’s too be expected. It’s an opportunity that either wing would be expected to take advantage of, and it is neither good nor bad.

Now this might change if Trump is found guilty of collusion with a foreign power, violation of emolument clause, etc. But with current information and his term only half finished it’s hard to put him below Warren G. Harding.

The way things are going, Alaska may be a part of the Russian empire again at some point in the future.


I think it’s worse than that. I don’t think Alaska will become Russian territory, but it won’t matter, because I see the entire world becoming an interlocking set of kleptocratic fascist states, controlled by the wealthy and international corporation. I can see the US, China, and Russia coming together to agree on all sorts of terrible things, just like what’s going on in Russia today.

Once this happens, I don’t see any way of going back.


How can putin keep a straight face anytime he sees his boy president. Knowing that he has put the little stooge in place how on earth does he not just bust out laughing his ass off? And then watching the little boy talk and act like he’s so much and big and bad and such a leader. Putin deserves all Oscars ever.


Trump saw evidence in 2017 Putin attacked U.S. elections

Trump is the evidence.


The facial expressions of sheer disgust and indescribable satisfaction cancel each other out, leaving a straight face.