Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/07/18/trump-saw-evidence-in-2017-tha.html
How many smoking guns does the Republican Party need?
More. The answer is always more guns with that lot.
Well he did ask them to hack the mail server and all…
Should we take odds on whether Trump brought up the intelligence assets used to generate these reports while he was chatting in private with his handler Putin?
And no matter how many indictments the Mueller probe turns up it’s always “all this time and this sham investigation still has NOTHING…”
Donald Trump told a lie!? Unheard of! It must have been his evil twin.
Now, I’m not going to name any names. But it seems clear someone in this thread is going to get himself banned for being a jerk.
Talking to others about politik and its current condition is tough, especially if they are self described apolitical Americans.
A question that has been helpful in breaking the ice is “Are we ready to learn Russian?”
It places the condition into practical terms and helps to create an alliance in terms of language and shared history; comradery in the principles of tenets of the bill of rights in the United States of
I hope that our desire for shared human rights can be triumphant in the trying times ahead
You know what Trump supporters say to this?
“Yawn…we got another justice, bitches.”
Grown-up reality does not enter the game show that is contemporary US politics.
Where’s Jack D Ripper when you need him?
How many smoking guns does the Republican Party need? Get him out now. So we can get a president in who isn’t a Russian asset.
The problem is that some of those smoking guns are revealing important members and supporters of the Republican Party are Russian assets as well. They don’t want to put Trump on trial because they want to hide the details as long as possible, and for our part replacing Trump with another Republican isn’t necessarily going to fix things.
Mr. Trump, are you now or have you ever been Vladimir Putin’s fancy piece? Remember, you are under oath.
He sees a lot of things.
He just won’t process anything that would require a minimum of thinkinig to do so.
This guy is broken beyond repair.
Where is Jack Ryan when you need him?
I think Trump has been convinced a number of times that the Russians interfered in the election, but that in each case he slides back from it afterward. It will never be a permanent belief for him. Winning the election is his proudest achievement, and Russian election interference threatens that.
If you want to write a new cold war drama, consider that Russia may be the safest place for Trump to retire to, and Alaska is closer to Russia than to the rest of the continental US.
Tpymn? or perhaps Tpomn?
Other than his own excellence and indispensability, I’m not sure that he HAS any permanent beliefs.