Trump says rich people from Beverly Hills are prohibited from taking long showers, and that's why they smell bad

Supposedly he had two articles drafted, pro and anti leaving the EU, and he thought the leave one was better. So that’s how he rolled.

I’m not sure I believe it though as his editors have consistently described his copy as being shoddy and last minute. So much so that the Torygraph had to factor in the legal fees and inevitable apologies as they didn’t have time to lawyer his articles.


In the U.S., high school and college debating clubs are breeding grounds for the nastiest conservative and Libertarian politicians and pundits. As bad as some of the products of the Oxford Union have been, they’re still nowhere as destructive as bitter dweebs like Gingrich.


The version of that story I read was that on the day of the referendum he wrote two different drafts for the next day’s column. One, for use if Remain won, explained why the Remain victory was good for Britain. The other, for use if Leave won, explained why the Leave victory was good for Britain.


Oh dear, haven’t seen any video of this tool in a while and he sounds much worse. If he wins the next election that’ll be scary.


I believe you still get your fair share of Leftist folks, too. But I see it more as a place where already conservative and Libertarian kids see opportunities for advancement in life (I’d include Boys/Girls State in your group), and this is a relatively “easy” thing due to their station in life. More of a springboard than a factory. :man_shrugging:


Yes, but are they required to change their underwear every half-hour and wear it on the outside so we can check.

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He’s complaining about showers when LA wastes millions of gallons on lawns. He really has no idea what he’s talking about. He doesn’t even know how to buy a loaf of bread FFS.


This. I wish it were true but no… the Hollywood Reporter did an article a year ago about the extreme water consumption of some of LA’s A-list celebrities. They express a lot of concern about the environment but not enough to actually deter their absurd levels of water use (and private jet use).

The closest thing I could find about Beverly Hills having draconian water regulations was a limitation on water for washing cars, cleaning buildings, and watering, and a bunch of other regulations, from the drought of 2015. Nothing about showers unless it’s a shower for your car. Of course, like every other city in California, Beverly Hills building code does limit shower head flow rates, toilet flush volume, and so on, but that’s probably widely ignored.

Edit: Obviously, the Hollywood Reporter piece I referenced is pointing to rich celebrities in Calabasas etc, not in Beverly Hills itself. I’m just assuming that rich Beverly Hills residents are pretty similar to their rich neighbors in the nice parts of LA and Calabassas.

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LAWNS! The stupid lawns are consuming more water than any shower or toilet.


how about GOLF COURSES!
72 water-wasting golf courses in and around BH.

somehow, i don’t think herr trumpenfuhrer will say anything about that.


I assumed it’s because they’re stinkin’ rich.
fool39 uh shrug shrug


Rimshot Drum Joke GIF


I think this is pretty standard newspaper practice for big stories, and even more so with online news and SEO imperatives to publish first. In fact in 2012, MailOnline published an article headlined “Judge rules in favour of Max Mosley in sex scandal privacy case” when Mosley had actually lost the case.

… we’ll have to take your word for it

The L.A. metro area is really complicated and difficult for outsiders to understand — it’s like a whole country by itself :confused:


Maybe he had the plumbers in and someone decided to put a restrictor on his supply just to fuck with him. It’s the sort of thing I like to think a good plumber would have the wit, and balls, to do to the smelly old fart.


No. It was well-reported at the time that he DID write two articles (he has said so) and it later became obvious that the reason he selected the leave one is that he estimated it had the better chance of getting him widespread support in the party and across the country such that he could take a tilt at becoming PM. He was proved correct.

Had he gone with remain, he’d have been one of many and not stood out so - certainly he would never have led the remain campaign in the same way he led the leave campaign and gained a huge public profile as a result.

And @gilgongo this was not a story where journos/papers prepare for either outcome (as in a trial or election or referendum) so as to have the story ready to go when the result comes in. BJ wrote an opinion piece early in the campaign, backing leave.

@GagHalfrunt He may have done that too, though I doubt it - had the result gone remain, he was so committed to leave at that point nobody would have believed an article the next day saying his side losing was the best result for the country


I don’t get how the people who vote for him consider him to be relatable. “Have you ever noticed, when you meet a millionaire from Beverly Hills at a Michelin Star restaurant in the Seychelles…”


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Rich folks north of Rancho Park?


It’s interesting how often he uses “Obama” instead of “Biden” (or even “Hillary”). It’s not like that was ever something that made sense - but it shows how in Trump’s own mind, he’s always been running against Obama. Boy, it really shows how that correspondent’s dinner did a number on him.