Trump supporters: "We're gonna have money again"

I’m amazed by the goodwill these ladies have for this man, it’s almost of an evangelical fervor.


“Having money” isn’t an actual transaction. If you have the cultural capital, you have it regardless of the amount of whatever given currency.

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What do you mean, ‘almost’?

They literally said he was a god.


Wouldn’t that make him a magic bean salesman?


I doubt it. Barnum was a not-entirely-honest showman but he wasn’t a cheat.

Often referred to as the “Prince of Humbugs,” Barnum saw nothing wrong in entertainers or vendors using hype (or “humbug,” as he termed it) in promotional material, as long as the public was getting value for money. However, he was contemptuous of those who made money through fraudulent deceptions, especially the spiritualist mediums popular in his day, testifying against noted spirit photographer William H. Mumler in his trial for fraud. Prefiguring illusionists Harry Houdini and James Randi, Barnum exposed “the tricks of the trade” used by mediums to cheat the bereaved. In The Humbugs of the World, he offered $500 to any medium who could prove power to communicate with the dead.

And this certainly doesn’t suggest an affinity for the likes of Trump:

With the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution over slavery and African-American suffrage, Barnum spoke before the legislature and said, “A human soul, ‘that God has created and Christ died for,’ is not to be trifled with. It may tenant the body of a Chinaman, a Turk, an Arab or a Hottentot – it is still an immortal spirit.”


I made to about 0:45 when I started feeling like Plato had the right idea after all.

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What, to go live in a cave and watch shadow puppets?


If we’re not careful, caves will be the only places you can inhabit. You know, after trump kicks off a nuclear war by being a thin skinned sociopath with no sense of morality and no fear of consequences.


His idea(l) of the philosopher kings as the keystone of his political utopia. Basically, he envisioned the opposite of idiocracy.

Under a Trump presidency, living in a cave might not be a bad move, though.


This one should be safe, possibly.


I don’t think they’re taking guests. Last I heard, tours became rather difficult after 9/11. That was just after they were talking about closing it down for budget reasons. They still have a Canadian contingent though. :maple_leaf: :thumbsup:


I’m not convinced the Secret Service would give him the real codes. At least not without the understanding that he’ll be executed on the spot if he tries to use them.


No, no no! Coward trump would never say anything bad to anyone’s face! Besides, all of his “nasty” talk about the wimmins was really just for the lulz!

Another topic, hot since the beginning of Trump's campaign, was his view of women and the comments he's made about their appearance.

“You have two beautiful daughters past their teenage years, can you understand the concern from parents of younger girls that some of your comments could be hurtful to girls struggling with body image and the pressure to be model perfect,” asked Snyder.

Trump blamed entertainment.

A lot of that was done for the purpose of entertainment, there’s nobody that has more respect for women than I do,” he said.

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Unless he was their boss or otherwise had power over them. Then he’d feel comfortable doing so.

I wonder if he’s so delusional, so totally lacking in self-awareness, that he actually believes that. Yeah, probably.


“God then Trump” is kind of the giveaway of their mentality.


My most terrifying words are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help by cutting welfare.’

They seem to be popular with the right wing though, right up to the point when it’s their welfare that gets cut.


Maybe he’s trying to transition (“pivot”, if you will :slight_smile:) into the setup that he’s just playing a character with all this bloviating and nonsense so as to be able to say, “No, no, that’s just part of the schtick…”

Of course, this is just as believable as anything Trump does to “build relations” with the African American community:


The whole “playing a character” excuse is so weird, given that he’s always done this, in every context, public and private, no matter how inappropriate.* If one is playing a character that well, one is that character.



JFC that’s both awful and totally expected from him. We’re quickly coming to need a word to describe the knowledge that, despite people’s thinking trump has reached a new low, he’s already passed or will soon be passing that bar on his race to be The Worst Human Being Evar. So I suppose there really is something he’s good at doing, the douchebag.

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