Trump tax records reveal "he could have paid no federal income tax for decades"



Effing this!
Paying your taxes is doing your part in keeping the country running.


I find this very infuriating.


More than anything, this article lays bare the truth of our byzantine tax code system, which is designed to benefit the wealthy even when they fail. Do you think the employees of his bankrupt companies got any benefit when they were laid off and fired? No, and in fact conservatives in Congress fight tooth and nail to make sure there is no safety net for when they fall because those in upper management like DUMP ran their jobs into the ground. In the meantime, the tax code is set up in such a way that rich b***ards like DUMP and his brood actually BENEFIT when they FAIL. Nothing - and I mean NOTHING - angers me more than situations that are revealed like this, where the poor suffer for a failure and the rich merely get to benefit and actually profit.


The monsters! What are they trying to hide! :wink:


One of the best sarcastic comments in N A M Rodger’s history of the Royal Navy is when he remarks that the object in electing members of Parliament is to send people to run the country who will try to remove taxes for the people who voted for them.
If as Mitt Romney claimed 47% of Americans do not pay Federal income tax, Trump may have 47% of the electorate on his side right now, because as H L Mencken remarks, there are no poor Americans, only millionaires who happen to be short of cash at the moment.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
It’s a pity that he and his father are not so well known today, because they represent a particularly moral liberal side of American thinking.


I agree with the point that taxes are worth paying, but “unpatriotic” is a term that is very easily abused for propaganda purposes, much like “communist” was; makes me think of GeorgeWBush thrashing up support for Desert Storm. I’m more at ease just calling Trump a weaseling shitbag of a human being who, among many other shortcomings, doesn’t pay taxes and spins it as brains instead of ineptness and greed.


I’d say November 8th can’t come soon enough, but that assumes a favorable outcome. Otherwise, November 8th can stay put on the temporal horizon.

Someone find me a black hole.


Which would explain why he’s getting constantly audited. :laughing: :crying_cat_face:


Someone please explain how Trump can claim a near billion dollar loss on income taxes. Is this personal income taxes or business taxes? Are they both income taxes? Yes, I’m 5 years old and I don’t get it. If we’re talking personal then I’m horrified. If we’re talking business taxes then I’m appalled, but isn’t that SOP for companies that show no profit?


Whether he agreed with US policy or not, he sure as heck hasn’t supported it for decades.

How does his mouth stay so far ahead of his money? That’s the curious part.


I think they only want civilization for themselves and that they’ll be rich enough to pay for it, if only they get out from under the burden of federal income tax… I mean, look at the wonders Trump has built when freed of his tax burden! /s


On the contrary I know quite a few who enjoy the trappings of civilization but resent paying for it. They want the “free ride” they accuse “the government” of providing to the poor.


I may need to quote this as is off BBS.


Hard to tell from what we’ve seen but It sounds like personal. Bloomberg is supposedly worth 50 billion and could conceivably lose 2% of it in a year rather easily.


Nobody could have predicted this.


By not paying Federal taxes Donald Trump has refused to pay a dime toward funding the US Military, veterans services, border patrol or dozens of other programs he himself claims are essential for our nation.

This isn’t about painting Donald as unpatriotic because he doesn’t uphold liberal ideals; Donald is unpatriotic because he does not support the very things he claims America needs most.


Two things I am learning from the response to this story.

1 - If a candidate does something that shows terrible judgment, but is technically legal, that’s wrong and is a reason to oppose the candidate.

2 - Illegally sourced documents are an acceptable source of campaign material.

Whatever you have to tell yourself to feel good about voting for him or supporting his party.