Trump teases “massive” tax cut, “big announcement,” bigger than “any tax cut ever“

I’ve concluded that while “fiscally conservative” is advertised as meaning “spends money carefully, with as little waste as possible” the realty is more in the area of “will waste money flagrantly while cutting taxes for those who don’t need it and embezzling as much as they can”.


Naw, just rearrange them. (But not over there where you might interrupt the band; the music’s so soothing.)


This needs to be repeated loudly and often.

“Tax cuts” is something I think everyone in the GOP can get on board with, they have absolutely no interest in fiscal responsibility despite sometimes claiming they are “the party of fiscal responsibility.” So I expect this to actually pass, and for the national debt to sky rocket, and for the great masses of Tea Party Republicans who complained about the debt under Obama to completely ignore the hypocrisy.


These tax cuts can’t be all that big if he didn’t describe them as “YUUUUUGE”


Yeah, but… the fact that anyone did is completely damning…

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Damning of who? I am a we of particular wes I choose. The laws and less-than-sovereign state of rich numbskulls who have contol of those laws are not my we. They are demonstrably, statistically, not the we who live here.

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“Taxes on capital gains. Never liked them. We should tax bad stuff. Not people winning. I say: Cut it! All the way down to zero! Nobody needs that.”

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Have you seen these?

The United States as a whole. We can distance ourselves from them as much as we want, but the fact remains that they remain a statistically significant proportion of the US population. That this is the case is a failure of the whole country.


With Trump, it’s best to assume that everything is self-dealing, unless proven otherwise.

Ya think?


Hush! He might hear you.

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Yeah, it isn’t the business of Government to magically print money; that’s what banks are for :wink:

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Trump, the candidate, repeated several big promises over and over at his rallies, on his website, and in the debates: The Wall, Lock Her Up, Stop Immigrants, Bring Back Jobs, and Fix Taxes.

His promise that anyone making under $25k per year would pay no taxes and would just send a form to the IRS saying “I win!” was one of the centerpieces of his entire campaign and was one of the things that got underprivileged voters to turn out for him.

If he abandons that, along with failing to build a wall, not locking Her up, not stopping immigrants, and not bringing back jobs, what else has he got?


As openly as your president talks about his regular spur-of-the-moment crazyperson ideas, and as frightening as they are, I don’t even want to know about those he doesn’t talk openly. You think he is fucking up your economy now? Wait until all the shit he does without twittering about it is uncovered in a few years.


His charming personality?


P.S. Happy Boing-iversary!


[quote=“nungesser, post:54, topic:99595”]
what else has he got?


They have more effective propaganda?


We still have chairs?