Trump tells supporters to be 'poll watchers' on Election Day, lies about fraud and theft at voting locations

At this point I’ll settle for his being out of office without a widespread civil war. The we have to focus on winning back the hearts and minds of the people who grow the food and haul it to market. If the polarization continues at anywhere near current levels, they’ll resort to starving out the cities.

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Right? Yet more people treating this like a intellectual exercise as opposed to a systemic problem but with an actual emergency that needs to be addressed first. I don’t know how acting like there haven’t been Americans discussing this problem since Reagan is anything other than pure condescension. Of course we’ve been talking about this issue for years now, many of us. This is especially true for the many Black Americans who have been systematically disenfranchised (again) in the past few decades. It’s like some people only listen to some Americans who have had the privilege to blithely ignore this problem for the past few decades rather than, you know, the REST of us who are Americans, too.

But we’re not fighting the right way, Melz… /s

My hope is that we get through this emergency and actually pass real, substantial electoral reforms in its wake. We can’t just fix the whole entire system prior to November - there is not enough time and too much obstruction from McConnell and the WH. We can only hope to get through it to January intact and then tackle it along with the million other systemic problems we’ve got happening here.


That’s how you seem to be interpreting the comments, not what is actually being stated.

Talking down to the people who are actually in the trenches of this fight does nothing to help.


You might want to check his approval rating with actual farmers before you jump to that conclusion. Last time I checked, it was hovering around 40%. Remember, he’s the guy who started an unnecessary and damaging trade war with their largest market (China) then tried to buy them off with what ended up being a gift to the big corporate farms and dust for actual family farmers. He also created a labor crisis for many with his immigration policies. And finally, our economy is interdependent. That’s why movements like the State of Jefferson and Greater Idaho are laughable. By isolating rural areas from their regional urban centers, they cut out the very economies that fund their…everything. Some older folks might be OK with going back to the Bronze Age, but younger people aren’t, and won’t stick around.


Yeah I have seen several anti-Trump farmer sightings.

One had a sign asking when the last time you sold Corn for X, Beans for Y, and Wheat for Z? Blaming the China Trade war for the low prices.


It’s working the opposite for me. I was blindsided by Trump winning the election and wish I had been better prepared. What I’m hoping for now is that if we can collectively acknowledge what’s happening - and what’s going to happen - we can develop some coping strategies before everything totally goes to shit. Coping strategies on both the political and personal levels.

Yep, exactly this. I think the weirdness is going to increase exponentially at some point.


You’re being very condescending while completely missing the point of every reply.

Yes WE KNOW THAT FAIR ELECTIONS ARE ESSENTIAL. Stopping Trump supporters from actively intimidating voters at polling places is a prerequisite for a fair election. We might get around to changing the country to not interfere with your sensibilities after that.


I wasn’t; as an intersectional WOC, I was terrified, and I tried to convey that as much as possible prior to the 2016 election, to no avail.

Giving into defeatism isn’t “preparation;” it’s just a form of wallowing, which helps nothing.


What I’m hoping for is that we can collectively acknowledge what’s happening and fight like hell to stop it. The best way to cope with the world going to shit is to stop it from happening


Fuckin A.

I’m gonna live, and overcome.


I guess I don’t see how acknowledging what’s going on right now is defeatism, though.


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You and others are NOT just acknowledging the current sitch; you’re actively repeating over and over and over statements like “we’re fucked” “there will be bloodshed” “he’ll never go quietly” “god emperor trump” and countless others that I can’t even recall right now.

If you genuinely can’t see how such constant negative rhetoric is defeatist and counterproductive, then I don’t know what to tell you.

I’m no Pollyanna, never have been, and never will be… but I still understand that keeping our morale up is important so that we can keep fighting.

Acting like a bunch of hopeless Schleprocks doesn’t help in that regard.



Well, but there is bloodshed, and he isn’t going quietly…

See you in November, Shuck; hopefully under much better circumstances.

May you live to see the dawn.


Oh, I want to believe that there are people in the Southern District who have prepared for this.


No they won’t, they’ll lose their farms to the banks.


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