Trump the Chump (Part 1)


I’ve been thinking about the whole “presidential” thing, and quite honestly, I think this kind of thing is what’s helping him; I mean, sure, he most definitely has a core group of fans who actually agree with his racist, xenophobic, woman-hating rabble-rousing. But I think there’s huge numbers of centrist/conservative Americans who don’t follow the news very closely and just glance at USA Today headlines or watch a few minutes of MSNBC every once in awhile, and for those people, Trump’s a refreshing change because he’s wacky and entertaining. He doesn’t act like a President. He certainly doesn’t act like the cool, smoothly even-tempered guy who’s been in charge for the last eight years (plus that guy’s black and might be a Muslim). So for tons of people, I think Trump is their “hey, why not?” candidate. Their “well, he’ll be entertaining!” candidate.

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It was a bad bet for the republican party, and the other republican contestants, not to go negative against Trump earlier. That said, that will leave plenty of fresh snow for the Democratic nominee.

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Fresh snow, did you say?

That was August. Let’s check Today’s headlines…

Report: A.C. jobs, housing in downward spiral

Job loss is the new normal, the labor force is in “free fall,” and the housing market is “moribund,” according to a report released last week by the South Jersey Economic Review, published by the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University.

Driving many of the problems, of course, is the instability of the casino industry, which anchors the local economy. Four of the city’s 12 casinos closed in 2014, and some 8,000 people lost their jobs.

Is this is who you want, @galaxies, a man who brags about fleecing thousands of blue-collar construction workers and ruining a state economy?

Trump is a fast-talking New York con man who can’t wait to fuck over working people in any and every state.


Wankpuffin. I like that. Right up there with douchebag, cum dumpster, cock ratchet, and asshat.


Believe it or not, it originated last year when BT called a composer’s mother a wankpuffin:


It really blows my mind how people claim how good of a business man Trump is. I will concede that he is great at marketing himself, but if you actually look at how well he runs companies I don’t know if “good businessman” should be the lable people use.

He has intentionally gone into bankruptcy to avoid paying what he owes, he clearly doesn’t give a shit about working class people, straight up lied to the public and doubles down even with verifiable proof that he lied,and an ego so massive I’m kind of surprised the earth hasn’t imploded into itself.

If that is what constitutes a “good businessman” and a majority of people think the government should be run like a business by someone like him, then we deserve everything that is coming.


Not defending the practice but declaring bankruptcy to discharge business debts is very common.

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Oh I understand it is a common practice, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t shitty. If people back out of debt, they can have their wage garnished. A business does it and it is considered a good business move.


Perfect word.

I think it may be important to clarify which rificulous cartoon character Trump resembles most closely in appearance and/or character.

Barney Rubble? There’s the color of his hair … hungry for approval. Politics from the stone age, barefoot wife who is too good for him, no black friends …


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Yes, though Biff from Back to the Future evokes the cowardly, greedy bullying Biff Tanner.


Also Bill Paxton’s bullying big brother Chet character in Weird Science … Having Trump for a president wouldn’t actually be categorically different than having Chet as your big brother.

Maybe any Bill Paxton character?


Yes, but not serially. It’s his go-to whenever things become tough, because he doesn’t actually know how to run a business correctly.



[balderdash redacted]

He’s just a Trumped-up con-man. A greasy huckster.


Presuming he wanted to run a business correctly. One could argue he used major construction projects to feed money to corrupt construction companies, and then used bankruptcy (among other tools) to stick someone else with the tab.


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