Trump the Chump (Part 2)

why was he down for so long? if the SS had already “neutralized” the target, why did it take (what seemed like) minutes to get dumpster to his (presumedly bare) feet?

dude was cold passed out from fear. that’s my take. also could explain the ghastly pallor of his shocked face - turned ashen in fear - from his normal orange.


Don’t call them that, for obvious reasons.


What is with all these cops who are cowards? Parkland, Uvalde, and now this, all involve police noping out of personal danger rather than doing their job. And I know the courts have held that cops have no duty to protect the general public, but these police had an undeniable duty to protect Trump, if not the other people at the rally. It’s the reason they were there. Although…I suppose that brief interaction might have caused the shooter to rush his shot at Trump. That cop could be responsible for the bystander getting killed instead of Trump.


The only fantasizing I’ve been doing is about him dying and hoping I live to see the day this finally happens. Not him being killed. That’s a big difference.


I’m watching the press conference talking about security for the convention.

If only they put this much effort into protecting kids.

The other funny thing is the press keeps asking about restricting guns in the outer perimeter.

The head cop had to explain 2nd amendment in an open carry state.


Much as I hate to give Trump any benefit of the doubt, he might have been somewhat in shock, which can make people behave in irrational ways.



I presume crapping yourself really, really hard could be like pulling a lot of Gs, even if you were wearing your Big Boy waterproof undies.


I think there is some truth to that, and it could be some guy who is an accelerationist. Kicking off a 2nd Civil War like killing Arch Duke Ferdinand.

Still - I am super reserved in my speciation. I am eager to get some definitive news on motivations.

I think that’s what happened. I’ve seen stories of people hurt in car accidents and are focused on getting to an appointment or work or something else other than the trauma they just experienced. It’s also why a lot of people just froze in place initially. It takes some time to process WTF is going on sometimes.


Not long before shots rang out, rallygoers noticed a man climbing to the roof of a nearby building and warned local police, according to two law enforcement officials.
One local police officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder, and Crooks quickly took a shot toward Trump, and that’s when Secret Service snipers shot him, said the officials, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

That’s some fine police work, Lou


You have a point, but to argue against that: he had the presence of mind and awareness of what was going on to wave his tiny fists in the air and pose for the cameras.


What exactly was this cop supposed to do when they popped their head up and got a rifle pointed at them? Do a flip off the ladder break the shooters neck and save the day?
Because if they just kept climbing the ladder and tried to rush the guy, they would’ve just got shot and probably killed accomplishing nothing - with the shooter still taking their shot before anyone else could react.
The best course of action in that situation would be to duck for cover and call it in - and unless there’s evidence they didn’t do that there’s no reason to call them a coward.


… and yet in a school shooting that is exactly what they’d be expected to do

I guess it’s different if the perpetrator is only shooting a presidential candidate :thinking:


Struggling Donald Trump GIF


Getting shot doing something that has a remote chance of stopping someone else getting hurt is heroism.
Getting shot doing something that has a reasonable chance of stopping someone else getting hurt is the baseline risk cops should be expected to take.
Getting shot when doing so won’t achieve anything, barring extreme luck bordering on divine intervention, is just fucking stupid.

Which of the three do you think trying to take out a shooter yourself, when they already have their rifle pointed at you when you’re still climbing a ladder on to the roof is?


… we don’t know exactly what happened

We just know a cop saw the guy, and ran away, and then Trump got shot

Good job, cop :+1:


I guess she doesn’t read much news.

If Trump wasn’t involved, the media would spin this as being, relatively, a positive one, as only one person was killed before the shooter was shot, in a situation that could have been a lot worse.


I’m going off the same two sentences you are
“One local police officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder, and Crooks quickly took a shot toward Trump, and that’s when Secret Service snipers shot him, said the officials, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.”

I don’t know why I’m defending a cop, other than people rushing to the worst interpretation of someone’s reaction to extreme or dangerous situations irritates my sense of fairness to an unreasonable degree.
So I’ll leave it there.


Trump and three others got shot. Two were critically injured and one died.

He could have prevented those injuries and the death if he popped his gun over the roof ledge and shot. Even if he missed -he would have delayed the shooter and alerted the victims. Once Trump ducked down- he wasn’t going to shoot at the crowd- he’d try to escape.

Or he’d have hit him - either injury or death- and stopped the shooting.

He should be removed from the force.