Trump the Chump (Part 2)

Jack Smith’s 165 page brief.
The defendant asserts that he is immune from prosecution for his criminal scheme to overturn the 2020 presidential election because, he claims, it entailed official conduct. Not so.

Although the defendant was the incumbent President during the charged conspiracies, his scheme was fundamentally a private one. Working with a team of private co-conspirators, the defendant acted as a candidate when he pursued multiple criminal means to disrupt, through fraud and deceit, the government function by which votes are collected and counted—a function in which the defendant, as President, had no official role.


Given the current events, I could easily see them opting to not vote for either, but any thought that Il Douche, of all people, would be a better option for their interests is just unreal. Netanyahu is a huge Trump supporter, which should tell you all you need to know about his leanings. (Not actually pro-Israel, of course. Just pro-authoritarian strongmen.)


Also, the Abraham accords were a disaster for Palestinians, in that they did not acknowledge their existence. Trump, himself NEVER says Palestinians, but calls them the “Arab” population. So, the question comes down to what Arab Americans are prioritizing. I’m sure Palestinian Americans prioritize the ongoing conflict, but there might be some other Arab Americans who are done with the issue and are prioritizing other things. I don’t think this is too dissimilar to Latinx Americans who are willing to support the GOP despite the anti-immigrant rhetoric. If they’re citizens, then they got theirs and they might be less invested in the welfare of others.


Trump Refused to Approve Wildfire Aid Until He Learned Affected Areas Were MAGA:

(source: Rolling Stone Mag)

As the death toll from Hurricane Helene surpasses 200 people and the Southeast continues to reel from the disaster, Donald Trump is working overtime to politicize the tragedy into an attack against his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Despite governors from both political parties lauding of the Biden administration’s response, Trump is insisting the federal government has abandoned affected communities.

Earlier this week, Trump baselessly claimed that “the Federal Government, and the Democrat Governor of [North Carolina are] going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas,” ahead of a visit to a disaster zone in Valdosta, Georgia. But for all of the former president’s posturing as a capable leader who would better handle the crisis, his record in the White House says otherwise.

According to a Thursday report from E&E News, in 2018 - as wildfires ravaged large swaths of California - Trump initially refused to approve aid to the state because he felt some of the affected regions didn’t like him enough.

Mark Harvey, then Trump’s Senior Director for Resilience Policy on the National Security Council Staff, told E&E News, a subset of Politico, that the former president only approved the aid after being shown data proving that the affected counties contained a sufficient amount of his supporters.

“We went as far as looking up how many votes he got in those impacted areas … to show him these are people who voted for you,” Harvey recalled. His account was backed up by former Trump White House Homeland Security Adviser Olivia Troy.

It’s not the only time Trump based his response to a national disaster on the politics of those caught in its wake. A 2021 report found that the Trump administration blocked nearly $20 billion in hurricane relief to Puerto Rico in the aftermath of 2017’s Hurricane Maria, which devastated Puerto Rico. Trump publicly bashed San Juan’s mayor at the time - Carmen Yulín Cruz, who had been critical of Trump - as “incompetent,” and downplayed the severity of the storm that killed nearly 3,000 people.

Last year, Florida Governor Ron Desantis in his memoir described speaking to Trump in 2019 after Hurricane Michael swept through northern Florida. DeSantis requested that Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) foot the entire bill for recovery efforts instead of the standard 75%.

“This is Trump country - and they need your help,” DeSantis pitched Trump.

“They love me in the Panhandle,” the former president said. “I must have won 90 percent of the vote out there. Huge crowds. What do they need?” Shortly after the conversation took place, Trump signed an executive order commanding the federal government to cover “100 percent of the total eligible costs” related to the hurricane response.

According to an analysis by E&E news, the decision resulted in FEMA paying “roughly $350 million more than it would have without Trump’s intervention.”

Trump’s impulse to make his responsibilities to Americans contingent on their politics has not vanished since he left office. Shortly before he took it upon himself to politicize the response to Helene, the former president threatened to withhold aid for natural disasters from Democratic strongholds.


Everything is transactional with TFG. Everything.


(big fat edit)
What I wouldn’t give to get a look at the Trump/Melania prenup. Or perhaps not. Who knows what vomit-inducing requirements Trump insisted on including.


As I’ve mentioned: TFG reminds me of my father-in-law, who thankfully has next-to-nothing to do with our lives.

The father-in-law has never been diagnosed as having narcissistic personality disorder (because why would he need to see a psychologist? he’s certain he’s amazing), but he ticks every box. TFG’s behaviour is very very easy for my wife to predict because he does what her father would do.

And on more than one occasion, I have described her father as “just a bag of skin that covers a hole that will never be filled.”


It ain’t easy growing up in a household with a parent who is NPD or borderline. It sucked, and I wouldn’t wish it on a sworn enemy.


He probably wishes that existed, but I don’t think that’s what you mean.


Brain fart time! :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Penny stock time!


Former President Donald Trump’s media company has forced out executives in recent days after internal allegations that its CEO, former Rep. Devin Nunes, is mismanaging the company, according to interviews and records of communications among former employees.

Season 1 GIF by The Simpsons


The funny thing is that you wrote Ivanka and I absolutely read Melania.

Jennifer Lawrence Oops GIF


Is this what happens when the “know” vs “don’t know it’s just a grift” crowd clash?


I’d still imagine they would remember Trump’s Muslim bans, and similar behavior.

But it’s clear that an awful lot of American voters have somehow forgotten about Trump’s four disastrous years in the White House, or won’t do the most basic due diligence and check his actual record.


Gosh, what will happen next with Truth Social?

Falling Down Oops GIF by Minnesota State University Moorhead



I live in Oklahoma, and though I don’t have any kids I’ve seen a vast swath of parents very furious over this. 2027 is when Walters’ term is up and I feel there is a strong chance he will be voted out from what I’m seeing and hearing aound me. I’ve yet to meet a person excited with what he’s doing here and there are (unfortunately) a LOT of MAGAts here.


The RWNJs like to yell, “Wake up, Sheeple!” But just look at what he makes people do at the beginning of meetings:

Talk about someone being the devil :rage:

(I would stand there and stare at him, but my guess is that he probably hired these people from his church.)