Trump to 'impose a 5% Tariff on all goods coming into our Country from Mexico' June 10

I like the part where American consumers get to pay extra taxes until illegal immigration stops. Like that’s a thing your typical consumer can control. But, do you know who we could penalize that could curb illegal immigration? Businesses that employ illegal immigrants. There’s one that’s been doing this for years…


So much winning!


The classical theory of economics says a healthy trade relationship is one in which both parties benefit.

Trump knows that’s nonsense. The only thing that matters in a trade relationship is that the other guy is suffering more than you are. That’s how you know you “won!”


And yet there are still people who will vote for him again.


GM, Ford, and Chrysler all assemble some US-market automobiles in Mexico:

Ford will build a new assembly complex in San Luis Potosi, and expand an existing factory near Mexico City. The moves will make room for several models, including a yet-to-be-disclosed hybrid vehicle that is described as a Toyota “Prius fighter,” and allow Ford to focus its U.S. factories on higher-profit trucks and sport-utility vehicles.

Gas guzzlers ahoy! It’s fractally stupid: The closer you look at it, the more stupid little edges and corners you’ll find.


Would be pretty dang hard to be beat the maquiladoras on worker “pay” in Mexico:

I take your point but I sense it’s still pretty far off, and of course without OSHA and the U.S. Dept. of Labor etc. all getting in the way of corporations/factories/etc. (like requiring safe working conditions), there’s probably a lot of reasons manufacturers are keen to use–and I mean that word exactly–Mexican labor or laborers in Mexico.


Prices of tequila and other mescals will rise so stock up now before your only affordable choice is Russian vodka or WalMart mouthwash (54 proof). Dos Equis, Cholula sauce, and tomatoes will skyrocket. (This is really all about protecting tough green-picked Florida tomatoes from juicy ripe-picked Mexican ones.) Expect big Guatemalan avocados to hit store shelves, yum. You can still smuggle one-buck DVDs and discounted pharmaceuticals at many border checkpoints.

Can Mexican products be transshipped through the Caribbean and marked Made In Jamaica? No tariffs!


Ford abandoned the San Luis Potosi factory after Trumps;first tariff tantrum.


It is a tax but, just think, it will help make up for the lost revenues from the tax giveaway to the 1%.

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Considering that the economy is the only thing Trump and the GOP have going for them, it’s amazing how hard the Orange One is trying to sabotage everything.


He’s on a state visit to the UK next week so I’d fully expect a full blown trade war with Europe by the middle of June.


What if, what if trump were to repeal all tariffs just before the election. Stock markets jump. One percenter trumpers slash donor class start making money again. FoxNews broadcasts “GOOD TIMES ARE HERE AGAIN!” and trailer park 'muricans are fooled one more time…

Creating problems to fix them strikes again.


I’m no economist, but if I was a country negotiating any sort of trade with the US right now (say, Mexico, Canada, China, Japan, the EU), I’d take his eagerness to impose illegal tariffs in the middle of negotiations on a free-trade agreement as evidence that you should never trust this administration to honor any agreement, ever. I seriously doubt the USMCA will pass as-is (if at all) and I expect China to start dumping US securities.


If they start dumping U.S. bonds in particular it will be a major problem. Their economy and Belt-and-Road is still not quite at the point that they’re able to do that without hurting themselves, but that’s assuming that China’s leadership will respond as rationally as they would during normal times.


In front of a giant banner reading “Mission accomplished”, maybe?


Trump is a sick man. Time to use the 25th.


But you can understand how with this government that we could confuse the two.

He’s generally shown basic math is beyond him. He feels if he states something long enough, no matter how idiotic, the rubes believe him. Started with the birther nonsense.


Seen on my way home yesterday:

I’m still reading the comments, and have noticed everyone talking about the 5%. The thing is, apparently, that’s just the starting amount. Don’t forget this:

The Tariff will gradually increase until the Illegal Immigration problem is remedied…

So, until Mexico stops people from crossing our border illegally, we Americans will be paying more and more for Mexican products. That makes sense /s. Trump wants his wall, by hook or by crook.


Congress can solve this problem because tariffs are congress’s to control. Trump keeps abusing this emergency/national security loophole congress introduced. They can eliminate that loophole any time to claw back or further limit the power that the Trump is abusing.

Checks and balances only work when one branch of the government doesn’t blindly cede power to another branch.