Mexico's former president is 'not going to pay' for Donald Trump's 'fucking wall'

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Well, obviously the former president isn’t going to pay for it. I assume the current president is totally on board, though.


A dude who basically called one of his opponents a “pussy” wants an apology for being told to go fuck himself by someone he demanded money from.


There goes that Donald again, being offended at language… when will wussy liberals like him get over their stupid political correctness? To quote Bernie Sanders, “That kind of crap is not going to work in the United States of America”


When a dog licks its balls in public, it’s just being a dog. When Trump makes a delusional claim like his one about the wall, he’s just being Trump.

What scares me is all his supporters, interviewed on TV, saying that they fully believe him and his claim. They’re mentally ill, they’re crack-addled, they’re inbreds, and some, I assume, are good people.


Trump won over 44% of Hispanics in that caucus.

I believe that. There are only nine Latino Republicans. Four of them like Trump.



Now wait. I used the photo in the post to make this. And so what happens? It gets changed to a version of this that was MUCH BETTER DONE. Thanks a lot. :^)


Whenever Trump says “I’m gonna make Mexico pay for it”, I just scratch my head and say “yeah? how?”

Do his supporters ever actually think about this? I’m guessing Trump’s main demographic is people who believe everything they hear on infomercials.


FMR PRES of Mexico, Vicente Fox horribly used the F word when discussing the wall. He must apologize! If I did that there would be a uproar!

Ahhh yes. Donald Trump, his delicate sensibilities, and carefully measured demeanour.


No, Mr. Trump, the uproar happened when you said that crap about Mexico in the first place. Did you not notice?


huh, that explains this pamphlet then:


Because he’s such an amazing negotiator!* He can make people agree to things that are totally against their interests for no particular reason, that’s how good he is!** His stellar business record proves it!*** Or his followers think that because he inherited a huge sum of money, that makes him kind of magical.****

*He is not a good negotiator.
**Not a chance.
***His business record proves he’s a sub-par businessman.
****Sadly, this is probably true.


Trump just made the wall 10ft higher, apparently.


[quote=“robulus, post:11, topic:74282, full:true”]> FMR PRES of Mexico, Vicente Fox horribly used the F word when discussing the wall. He must apologize! If I did that there would be a uproar!

Ahhh yes. Donald Trump, his delicate sensibilities, and carefully measured demeanour.[/quote]He can’t actually believe there would be an uproar. How could anyone believe that? Doesn’t he recognize that no one would believe that?

Is this it? Is the facade finally cracking? Hope at last?

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In some ways, this mirrors what we’ve seen in pro-right commenting for several years.

Trump moves the goal posts, and his sworn supporters swarm to his (new) side.


Trump’s getting a kicking from Rubio and Cruz tonight, and I’d say he’s not coming out of it very well.

But I doubt it’ll make any difference to his polling.


Here is how to pay for the wall, basically send a bill to Mexico for the cost of every arrest, detention and deportation of every illegal entrant to the US from Mexico because, yeah, they kind of left Mexico illegally and it is the Mexican governments fault.
Right, wrong or indifferent with regard to immigration, the reapportion of cost is fair and legitimate. No different to Mexico sending the bill for the US for American tourists doing pretty stupid things in Mexico, also fair and legitimate.
It really is Mexico’s responsibility to secure their border in association with all countries it borders.

That’s not how it works. If some kid does something stupid in Cancun, the US government doesn’t get sent a bill - if anyone does, it would that kid or maybe his parents’ problems. The assumption on the Mexican authorities part is that the kid or at least his family has money. This assumption is a perfectly good one - they probably DO have money. I’m sure some Americans are in Mexico illegally. And if caught and deported they’d be responsible for any financial consequence.

The Guatemalan-Mexico border is a sieve – if you can’t sneak through you can certainly buy your way in. So we should be pissed at Mexico whenever someone who entered the US via Mexico’s southern border. Canada should be pissed at the US for any Mexican who entered Canada via the US.

The issue really is simple. The people coming here illegally from Mexico aren’t coming for kicks. They’re coming to work. If there was no work here for them, they wouldn’t be coming - period. Why isn’t there enforcement of these employment laws – why are people getting away with hiring illegals? I think it has something to do with the politicians wanting it this way. The economy needs cheap exploitable labor.