Mexico's former president is 'not going to pay' for Donald Trump's 'fucking wall'

Question: What science fiction universe are you talking about?

If Americans want to leave the US, there are very few cases where the American government has any right to stop them. It’s up to other countries to deny them entry (if they want.) It’s no different with Mexico.

No, Mexico does not send the bill to the US “for American tourists doing pretty stupid things in Mexico.” It can and does however arrest the tourists as their law provides, and no doubt even bills those tourists on occasion. The tourists, not the country.

It’s Mexico’s responsibility to secure their border,if Mexico wants the border secured. Say, to stop guns and money flowing from the US to outlaws there. They can’t make the US pay for it.


His plan seems to be to make our neighbors so hateful/fearful of us, and America so ‘Great Again’ that they put up a defensive wall. It might work! I just hope if he becomes President I can get out before the walls go up.


I thought he meant with tariffs on stuff imported from Mexico.

Maybe I’m giving the Donald too much credit.



Mexico would simply respond with tariffs of its own. Consider the effect of the tariffs Mexico imposed on a few items, in retaliation for the US not honoring the trucking part of the NAFTA agreement. According to a report from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers, over just a couple years those tariffs resulted in the loss of $2.6 billion in U.S. exports and 25,000 American jobs. Texas agricultural products were been particularly hard hit.

And if Trump repeats the we-hear-it-every-election-from-both-Republicans-and-Democrats claim that he’ll renegotiate NAFTA, don’t count on getting a better deal than before. There’s plenty of issues that Canada and Mexico would be happy to reopen, and the US wouldn’t.


Careful Trump, that sounds suspiciously like political correctness. A real man asshole would just up the ante instead of demanding an apology.


I sort of imagination life in his head as goldfish-like. Just a stream of experiences to react to, without reflection. I’m not sure it’s a facade…

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Yeah, isn’t you apologising one of the signs of the End Times?


Been meaning to post this for ages - genius polymath SF author John Sladek’s brilliant short story from 1973, "The Great Wall of Mexico:


I always like the guy who then says, “Yeah but what if he could”.

Fox should be careful. If Trump becomes President, he might insist Mexico takes back Texas.
Forget the Alamo!

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Great! Greece’s budget problems are solved now that they’ve sent the bill to Turkey.


…and step by step, like the Pied Piper with them all dancing behind him, he leads them all into the desert. No-one sees them ever again, and the country lives happily ever after.

(closes book)

There. You can sleep now.


In 2013 alone, we sent $560,000,000 in foreign aid to Mexico. Simply subtract the cost from that.

His plan is to send US troops down there to make the Mexican government do it at gunpoint because (something something something) GREATEST MILITARY IN THE WORLD!!! WHO’S WITH ME?

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Maybe he should keep repeatedly refusing Trump… I mean wow, how high could the wall go? Could end up the 8th wonder of the world :wink:


Yeah, I know, to actually “negotiate” something, in business or politics, you have to offer something in return, otherwise it’s not a negotiation, it’s a demand. I don’t see what he could offer Mexico to convince them to pay for a wall.

It’s amazing how his people don’t see how this is naked demagoguery, a completely empty promise, politically, economically, physically.

They “kind of” left Mexico illegally?

Police officer: “Sorry son, you’re kind of breaking the law, we’re gonna have to kind of arrest you.”

And I don’t see how it is the Mexican government’s fault. Is Mexico a prison and the warden left the door unlocked?

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8 of them are 4th generation Cuban Americans (constructively considered white trash) and the other is a self-loathing Uncle Ruckus type.

Much of that money essentially buys a favorable business climate for US investment in Mexico.

So what happens to all those US companies with factories in Mexico?

How quickly can you say “forcibly nationalized”?