Trump: Why can't we use nukes, again?

Whether or not evolution gets another chance, I’m just thinking about minimising the suffering; that’s pretty much the core of utilitarianism.

I didn’t mean to be critical of you, but of him; the right wing is lousy with people with Trumped-up titles (which look better when they appear on FOX).

Too bad that he shares a name with quite-a-decent Federal judge.


The term gets used for advisors on campaigns as well. People running for office have advisors on national security, foreign relations, etc.

Doesn’t mean it’s not CV padding.

Whatever. I’m just stating the way the term gets used in the media.

Don’t worry, the security guys knew this would happen so they just showed him some deleted scenes from Argo.


Has he been playing Fallout?
Cuz someone needs to sell me a VaultTec cryovault STAT!


over there we found some more head-foos as reaction to Trump’s bomb love. it culminated in headsingularity.


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