Trump's anti-education Education Secretary owes millions in election fraud fines

Because there is a different system for us and people like De Vos.


The really stupid thing is she could pay it without even noticing.

Even if she did have to pay it, it’s not a deterrent. Needs to be 100 times bigger.


Don’t be silly, laws are for poor people!


@skeptic is right about how she likely views this, which is that she’s above the laws that us mere mortals must abide by.

New feudalism, indeed.



"It is a totally open power, and he could simply say, ‘Look, I want them to be my advisers. I pardon them if anyone finds them to have behaved against the rules. Period.’ Technically, under the Constitution, he has that level of authority.”

Gingrich Suggests Trump Simply Pardon Family That Breaks Anti-Nepotism Law

Newt’s new Unitarian Executive theory: president should just break the law with impunity and pardon himself and his conspirators out of any and all culpability.

This is a fucking stunningly horrific call by a member of the establishment for Trump to be a lawless dictator. This is a road map for the next Hitler. And whether or not Trump really hates minorities, or the poor, or not doesn’t matter if his well placed and empowered sycophants hate them. As a sociopath, he won’t care one way or another so long as he gets adulation and power.


I’d say that quote from the open letter would make pretty good publicity. The GOP loves crapping all over scofflaws who disregard their pecuniary duties, well here’s a big one, explain it away and see if the fawning public eats it up.

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you expect them to not?


Citation needed.

The GOP is the party that is against business and campaign finance regulation, so many of them don’t see violating the laws they think shouldn’t exist to be a problem


Charter schools are primarily about recreating segregation and state-backed theocratic education.

Vouchers are about diverting public education funding into these segregated, sectarian schools.

They’re linked issues.


Absolutely linked. But not the same, and i tried to imply the problems that each have and how they are different in my descriptions.

My main point was that voucher programs, especially the ones that seemed to be the focus of that Wall Street Journal*, also divert the best** students. Which means that the statistics cited are pretty damn meaningless and certainly not a defense of either charter schools (which in that case seem to be a completely separate issue) or voucher programs (because statistics like that hide the concomitant downsizing of public schools).

* I’m certainly not going through the paywall to see. Especially since it is known that the editorial pages are rarely reasonable.
** Best by the standards of the tests, anyway.


I’d add that vouchers are designed to ultimately bankrupt public education and funnel tax payer funds into religious and for profit schools. They are a funnel for using tax payer funds for private profit, without regard for the children involved. Kind of the philosophy of the GOP. They say they are against big government, but what they are really against is not getting a bigger short term private profit from tax payer funds.


Maybe I’m thinking of my father’s GOP.

As Lewis Lapham once said (paraphrased), today’s Republican party is more like utopian anarchists than real conservatives.

The days of Nixon spouting “law and order” are long gone.


Today’s Republican party is in no way like actual anarchism.

National Anarchism, maybe, but that also is in no way like actual anarchism.


I always wonder what they hear when they play Leave It Open by Kate Bush backwards.

I’m sure the Governerd’s kid did fine at her severely overpriced private school (srsly, $16k a year). And those Cranbrook kids seem to go on to things like running for president. But for normal kids, yes, attainment has gone down in the state over the last 20 years.


How much more fucking cartoonish can this get?

Actually… yeah. Probably quite a lot.


She’s not “anti-education”, per se, as she seems to be very much in favor of her kind of education: Christian-focused privatized schools. Her stated goal is to promote that kind of schooling.

She is very much anti-public-education, however.

Trump’s goal is to systematically destroy the establishment of each governmental department. Out of spite, ignorance, or a hatred of the way Obama does things, I’m not clear. Maybe all three.


Please don’t come to VT if you don’t:

  • Have a job (or other way of truly sustaining yourself) lined up
  • Can’t drive in the snow or survive when temps go below 0F for a week
  • Have a habit of telling locals how “things were done better” in the place from which you moved
  • Have an aversion to the smell of cow or horse shit being applied liberally to fields for the majority of the summer.




But traditional government don’t need no education either. Just look at what’s going on with textbooks in Texas.