Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/02/trumps-bible-website-includes-desperate-plea-gimme-that-girl.html
“When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving the cross and singing Gimme that Girl.” -Unknown
Gimme that covfefe
Could it have formerly been a website for Joe Nichols and got repurposed? And they neglected to scrub everything from it? That’s weird. Or maybe whoever built the website for selling this Bible also developed Nichols’s website and they copied files?
I’m going with the latter. Most who accept work for Trump nowadays are lazy grifters themselves, and probably do a crappy job in realization that the only money they will see is the payment up front.
Thank Eris I’m not nearly that desperate.
Yup, I think Trump got the level of quality on the website that he is willing/able to pay for.
If you have questions; you are not the target audience.
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