Trump's budget eliminates Arts and Humanities Endowments, privatizes public broadcasting

I’m pretty sure dudebro was being sarcastic to highlight the mentality needed to put a relatively cheap program on the chopping block.

If you read his replies and follow-ups, no, he’s dead serious.


Say what now? Who has written there, for instance, that Bernie Sanders is a fascist?

It sounds like you’re branding Counterpunch as some sort of far-left commie counterpart to Infowars or Brietbart. Yes, examples of unrealistic thinking can be found there if one chooses to nutpick. But for me, it’s a place I visit daily, as one way of staying sane.


I…was wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt, or at least enough rope to hang himself with.


Reminds me of Wyndham Lewis’s comment in the 1920s when asked whether he would rather be an artist under communism or fascism. He replied that Communists would expect everything he produced to comply with Party doctrine whereas Mussolini would probably be quite happy with the occasional picture of a gladiator, so he preferred fascism.

He failed to foresee Hitler.

I believe, however, that we are now seeing a truth about Trump. It wasn’t Putin that won it for him; it was Rupert Murdoch, whose corrosive right-wing journals have devalued truth and public service and made way for Trump. It is said that Murdoch detests art and culture. On that basis Trump isn’t the Manchurian candidate; he’s the Australian candidate.


As I understand it libertarians are in favor of unregulated gun ownership, and if people who agree with your views wish to support you they are free to bring their guns along. They can even wear brown or black uniforms if they wish, because freedom.
I have never been quite clear how libertarians propose to prevent the takeover of the government by the person who can command the biggest, most loyal militia.
But no, in your eyes Carter was a fascist. Ah well.



30 years ago.

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You don’t really have to argue that. It’s manifestly true.


I’d say it may be the best idea we have, but I’ve always found the government funding the arts to be somewhat problematical. The US government seems uniquely unsuited to that job.

Hell, with Trump at the helm, maybe it would be best to do without it for a few years. The line between art and propaganda is at times very thin, and… well, its problematic.

I wish there were some way for the arts to be funded without the government, but the government controls so much at this point it probably couldn’t be done.


Would the first press conference change that?

More like some slouching rough beast, its hour come round at last.


Indeed, the best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity.


I’d still say authoritarian. But authoritarianism can quickly become fascist. I think we’d need for our democratic systems to become even more broken then they are to devolve into true fascism. The Dems are down right now, but they still exist and a can mount some opposition, and Trump can’t rule by decree, even if he thinks he can.


Oh OK, so they may lean on fascist rhetoric but they have a number of knobs to tweet before being a true fascist movement with power in the government. I choose to refer to them as fascist because of their message and delivery, but I can see your logic (assuming I am understanding you correctly).


Honestly, the terms themselves have become fuzzy. There are times when I do think that maybe a new political language would help, but then again, things feel really 1920s-30sish as of late.

Really, you should call them whatever you feel is appropriate. I do think we there is some hope, but we’ll see how far things slide in the next few years. They easily could devolve into true fascism, but most Americans love to think of themselves as pragmatists and centrists. Too far one direction or the other, and they tend to pull things back.

Much of this all depends on the press/media doing their fucking jobs…


Didn’t tax-payers fund a painting of him as one of the tax write-offs of his foundation?

Why, yes, yes they did!


If I had to choose a film to describe the current administration it would be Salò, so it probably is a pretty grim outlook on the events. Thinking about it more extreme authoritarian is not an upgrade from fascist, so it doesn’t particularly matter so long as it acknowledges the potential danger involved.

[quote=“Mindysan33, post:117, topic:93280”]
Much of this all depends on the press/media doing their fucking jobs…


Since he’s anti-vax, how about the 1360s?

Everybody dance now!


Worse than that, it’s morally wrong.