Originally published at: Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes a laughingstock
Let me let you in on a little secret, random anonymous MAGA dude. Nunes, and all of the rest of them, including Trump himself, were never about “We the People”. They have always been grifters using politics to enrich themselves.
They know that Nunes is based in California too, right?
Don’t get me wrong, it’s fine with me if MAGA Republicans continue to write off the entire state. But California is home to substantially more Republicans than any other state in the union so it’s a pretty dumb tactical choice on their part.
So Bud Lite is rainbow-woke… but wine… long a favourite of the elite and artistic types … yes, THAT is the bev of choice for MAGA … ummm…
Seriously. I mean, the grifting has been right in front of their faces for half a decade (with regards to Trump and anything in his orbit) but THIS pushed some of the Truth Social MAGA over the edge.
Wine? That’s that French stuff, right?
If he needed to squeeze milk a few extra cents out of the fascist social media platform he runs as a retirement sinecure, he should have sold prepper slop buckets or numismatic gold or fake boner pills or something else his idiot audience actually wants. Or at least call his plonk “Freedom Grape Drink”.
He’s buying ads on the site in part to keep it afloat.
$75 dollars a bottle? Dude doesn’t know his potential audience. I am sure there are many MAGA mommies out there drinking half a bottle or more a day, but not at $75.
When people want to argue against getting rid of the Electoral College (which I support) they complain about how it would screw Republicans. I remind them that CA has more Republicans in it than several other “red states” combined. And I imagine many of them stay home, but might not if their vote added to a national population vote. (Also if your platform can’t survive a national direct vote, it is shit.)
… is it? There is no proportional representation in Congress and no popular vote for President, so all those Republican votes in California don’t do “the MAGA movement” any good
… be sure to pronounce it “frawnsh”
You’re familiar with the U.S. House of Representatives, right? The delegation from California includes 12 Republicans. Georgia’s delgation, for example, only has 9 Republicans. Deep-red Utah only has four. So yeah, California matters, even if the MAGA idiots don’t realize it.
… yes of course, I suppose I meant the Senate
Misread this as Devin Nune’s ‘whine’. God knows everyone’s had enough of that…
But the important question is: does it taste like the urine of Satan after a hefty portion of asparagus?

“you’re an alcoholic wino, dude you’re not in touch with the movement are you?”
Yeah, Nunes. Everybody knows true MAGA patriots prefer meth or Oxy, jeez.

There is no proportional representation in Congress and no popular vote for President, so all those Republican votes in California don’t do “the MAGA movement” any good
Two Republican Presidents came from California and they both carried the state in their general elections. California is a more divided state than many people realize and could easily swing Republican again some day if the national party wasn’t constantly shitting all over California’s voters and interests. Not to mention all those billionaire political donors.
So yeah, just as well the Republicans are too stupid and/or committed to their ways to realize that.

Misread this as Devin Nune’s ‘whine’.
After the end of apartheid in South Africa, there were jokes about “vintage South African white whine”, meaning white people complaining that everything was going to the dogs now that “the blacks” had taken over.