TSA agents, unpaid for 30 days, are blasting explicit hip-hop in airport terminals

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not sure if those are the dirty versions.


I don’t think he does. I think he’s cashing out.

Point a speaker towards the security waiting line, away from the TSA checkpoint.

Play “Let It Go” and “It’s a Small World After All” on repeat. This would be especially effective when passengers on flights to or from Disney World or Disney Land are going through screening. Maybe add “Tiny Bubbles” occasionally from a speaker right in front of the restrooms.

In Atlanta, some security lines were an hour long. Picture an hour of non-stop Let It Go (according to Wikipedia the single version by Demi Lovato is 3:47 long, so that’s almost sixteen plays through.) Maybe add in the occasional “We thank President Donald Trump for our song selection today” ad just to drive the message home.

All the folks working without pay for the TSA should coordinate, too, play certain songs (like fight the power) at the same time.


I suspect that others they work with are sympathetic and worked to make it happen.

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