TSA confirms miniature magic warhammers not OK on planes

Well at least it looks neat, like as a decorative object.

Years ago I stopped into a new agey shop with a friend to look at the swords on the wall. A lady was in there buying polished rocks for all sorts of ailments.

When we left the shop, me limping in chronic pain, I was like, “Shit, I don’t need all these drugs, just a bag of magic rocks.”

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I had that exact scenario:

  1. Flying from SEA to SBP: 2x2x14 block of hard wood. Perfectly fine to be in carry on
  2. A week later flying back after using my Dad’s lathe to turn that block of wood into a light saber hilt. Must be checked as it is now a weapon.



If Thor was on a flight and managed to bring Mjolnir into the cabin (who would tell him no?) what would happen if he was instructed to place his Hammer of the Gods into the overhead bin or underneath the seat in front of him (and he decided to comply)? Would the plane be pinned to the ground? How do magic hammers work?


Exactly. This is like some unnecessary, Kafka-esque, govt stooge writing “Have a nice day!” on a ridiculous, onerous citation for bureaucratic offenses.

The fact they have a sense of humor does nothing that they’re enforcing sham, security theater at a cost of billions of dollars per year. Terrorists with boxcutters are now being used to justify the reason you cant bring a plastic facsimile of a magical hammer onto a plane.


Because kids get shot for squirt guns. And that’s out on the streets. An airplane is a metal sky tube full of idiots.

Thor has flown in a quinjet lots of times without personally holding Mjolnir, so I assume an airplane would be fine.

ETA: Though I suppose it is possible quinjets are more worthy than civilian airplanes.

I don’t think it counts as “wielding.”

George Carlin on Airport Security:

Now that I’ve spent hours thinking about this I guess he doesn’t really need to carry his Hammer on board. He could just throw it on ahead. Or call it to him from his final destination. Or maybe Mjolnir would just tag along outside the jet like a loyal dog.


Maybe he’d get Hermod to courier it?

Had you guys not figured out thicker sections of cut-off rebar with string wrapped handles?

Not that I’d ever suggest hitting a neo-nazi with a metal rod, but…

:laughing: For me it was 12 or 13" of steel rod (1/2" or 3/8" diameter, don’t remember) with a tape-wrapped handle and a hole drilled through for a bit of leather bootlace as a wrist strap. Got something useful from high school metal shop at least. Not that I ever hit a nazi with it…

Is TSA okay with Sparlock?

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You can bring a corkscrew on a plane. But you can’t open your own alcohol on a plane, so I’m not sure why you’d need to carry on a corkscrew. Also, I stabbed the crap out of myself opening a bottle of wine last week so those things are dangerous.


So… Could I have a corkscrew “walking stick”?

guilty as charged. death to the horde!

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[quote=“TripleE, post:17, topic:99503, full:true”]
And thank you for your service in warding off skinheads. We need more of that.

Nah… haven’t you heard. They are essentially the exact same thing! /s


Damn Warrior Wizards…Can’t have nice things.

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I should note that these specific skins were not of the neo-nazi variety. It was more like a youth gang turf war thing. We had SHARPS and RASH skins in our crew, as well.