TSA's new "pat-downs" are so invasive, airports are pre-emptively warning cops to expect sexual assault claims

Well, it’s kinda like being in the prisoner’s dilemma, where the other guy keeps mum, and you rat him out.


When are they gonna do that thing they did in “The Fifth Element” where all the passengers are gassed into unconsciousness for the duration of the flight? Do that before the security check and I think everyone would be much, much, MUCH happier. Plus the airlines would love it because they could stack us like cordwood.


[quote=“generic_name, post:6, topic:96468”]they will get freaked out



They have radical islamist terror attacks periodically. I only heard about some of that because a big one happened while I was visiting the first time (Mumbai bombings) and the folks I was visiting told of some public figures that had been assasinated with concealed bombs.

Also 15% of the population is muslim in a billion population country (with areas of high concentration). Am guessing a high number near the border of Pakistan.

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I have been to other “brown” countries that didn’t get a second glance at my GE interview. For whatever that is worth.


Ding Dong! TSA calling!


Won’t someone think of the children! lol


No. The screeners are already angry at LGBT folks. I’m trans and they sucked before this. Now it’ll be worse.


This is amazing. Despite all the weapons getting through, there haven’t been any airborne attacks in years. This isn’t just fighting the last war, it’s fighting the last war from two wars ago.


That’s nothing worse than what I endure at any subway station in Beijing. A pat-down and baggage screen are SOP at all subway entrances.

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(Airlines have no direct say in the matter).


[quote=“anon75430791, post:64, topic:96468, full:true”]
Also 15% of the population is muslim in a billion population country (with areas of high concentration). Am guessing a high number near the border of Pakistan.[/quote]
There were massive population exchanges at Partition, and the people who found themselves on the “wrong” side of the border but close to it would have been most able to cross it.

The Partition of India was the division of British India[a] in 1947 which accompanied the creation of two independent dominions, India and Pakistan.[1] The Dominion of India is today the Republic of India and Dominion of Pakistan, the republics of Pakistan and Bangladesh. The partition involved the division of two provinces, Bengal and the Punjab, based on district-wise Hindu or Muslim majorities. It also involved the division of the British Indian Army, the Royal Indian Navy, the Indian Civil Service, the railways, and the central treasury, between the two new dominions. The partition was set forth in the Indian Independence Act 1947 and resulted in the dissolution of the British Raj, as the British government there was called. The two self-governing countries of India and Pakistan legally came into existence at midnight on 14–15 August 1947.


“Pre-screening” programs are literally the dictionary definition of privilege, but hat doesn’t mean it’s anything to get defensive about. If it applied, I would totally pay for the Finger-Free Anus Pass, but I’d note that I was getting special treatment, and bear that in mind when thinking about what the TSA experience is like for people generally.

This is a general problem that both left and right tend to make worse with moralistic language. We’re all partly victims of inequality, and partly its beneficiaries. If you think you have to be only one or the other, then you’ll square that circle by deciding that you’re the good guy, and anything that works in your favor is automatically just.

The single best change most of us can make is just to allow ourselves to be the bad guy. It’s not as good as being perfect – but neither are you – and it’s a lot better than siding against reality.



i’d pay extra

On a serious note I got pulled aside for secondary a week or so ago. Literally noone likes it, we all know it is theater, and has precisely two objectives. Neither of which I will discuss, but become obvious when you start thinking about it.


My condolences at their unprofessional behavior.


Not only are they magic terrorist free zones, but so is the adult accompanying them. Somehow when we’ve been on our last couple of trips, my wife has magically not had to go through the junk imaging machine.

It’s honestly because they know this is all for show. If it were a real threat, everyone would get the same agent screening.

They know that there are a lot of parents out there that would quite literally beat a TSA agent to death before they let them fingerbang their child. And, they know that any demand to be able to do so would result in so much bad press and lack of public support.

My wonderful alternative screening idea: Kids are still verboten. Adults get to choose the TSA agent of their choice for a bit of nude mutual groping/sexy time. “Sorry honey, I’ve been selected for extra screening. I’m going to go away with screener Martina here for a 1/2 hour or so. Sorry, it’s the law!”


Only problem is a lot of women will find that the cavity searches weren’t done by fingers. Men too, no doubt.


You speak pearls.