Tuba turned into a bathroom sink and tenor horns repurposed as urinals


Not familiar with that, does it coat all the nooks and crannies? Because otherwise urine is going to seep into all those joints and valves etc and stink like piss forever.

It would help if they used nickle plated instruments. That is what they use typically with urinals - nickle plated brass.

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Thank you!

As a long-time atheist, seeing atrocities such as this makes me understand why some people get so angry when their god(s) are offended.

And in those sad cases when it’s impossible to salvage an old instrument, give it a proper burial.

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If you’re doing drums, there’s dumbeks that would work fairly well as a seat.

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Well, the sousaphone section of the Florida State University Marching Chiefs is nicknamed the “Royal Flush” so…

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