Turkmenistan's eccentric dictator built a self-glorifying $12m phallic marble monstrosity called the "Neutrality Monument"

That is a stinkhorn toadstool.

  • He banned car radios because he considered them to be “useless”

That alone should be enough for impeachment or a coup.

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Given that the stinkhorns are classified as genus Phallus, though, that probably still counts.


The story gets weirder it was constructed in 1998 then moved in 2010 as an attempt to dismantle some of the previous president’s cult of personality. It originally had a golden statue of Niyazov that rotated to always face the sun but now it doesn’t rotate.

I assumed the era of epic monuments died with the soviet union but Turkmenistan is keeping the tradition alive with “Bicycle Monument” that was dedicated in 2020, about a mile from the “Monument of neutrality”

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So half the time it was face-down in he soil?

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Charles Darwin’s granddaughter Gwen Raverat said her aunt Etty would go into the woods removing stinkhorn toadstools to protect “the morals of the maids”.

Source here, also thanks to Merlin Sheldrake’s Entangled Life where I first read that.

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