TV recap: Game Of Thrones 'The Lion And The Rose' [season 4, episode 2]

The makers of the episode went out of their way to make it unclear whether the pie or the wine was poisoned. The recapper then ruined that for us viewers by negligently telling us that “it was totally the wine, everybody who read the books was glued to that goblet”.

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Yup, it’s quite clear when you know what to look for:
Notice how Olenna holds one of the gemstones in her fingers, then moves her closed hand away, and in the reverse shot one of the stones is missing. And, oh man, what she says as she does that: “War is war, but killing a man at a wedding… Horrid. What sort of monster would do such a thing?”


Not uncommon. happens in real life. As a side note, also in LotR. Denethor blames Faramir for the death of his wife because she also died in childbrith.

The last two weekly emails from Boehner (don’t ask) have lead with exactly this: when will Obama admit the truth to the American people about Benghazi? It’s almost like once the March 31st deadline passed, they had to fall back on some other issue to keep trying to discredit him.

As I said to my wife last night: how can Jack Gleeson ever play another part? He was just so. Perfectly. Evil. I don’t know that I could ever see him as anything other than Joffrey.

Edited to add: also, I love these recaps and conversation threads, but it’s SO hard not to spoil upcoming plot points, having already read the books.

That’s showing a bunch of doves cut to bits by Joffrey’s sword. Nothing there except showing that he’s a dick.

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Cersei still has juice

This is the fate that can befall those in power—especially those who make new enemies daily by inflicting cruelly unnecessary punishment on everyone around.

So. . . when do we get to throw a dose of “the strangler” in the water-cooler of most bureaucracies ??? (evil grin)

Regarding whether people knew or guessed this was coming - I can only speak for me, but I knew that (major event was going to happen) because South Park blatantly spoiled it in their GOT trilogy episodes a few months back. (Still seething with anger…)

“Bronn sees her off and confirms the departure.”
That’s not what he says. He says that she’s on the boat, only those two and Varys know that she’s there, and that anybody who follows him would be dead.

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