Originally published at: Two men arrested for selling magical mermaid's eyeball | Boing Boing
Could be worse
its “supernatural powers,”
What were these powers? They have something to do with sex, don’t they?
Does it come with a spoon to facilitate implanting it in to the buyer’s eye socket?
ey! how has the gender of the mer-person from which this item was taken been established? Admit it! “magical merman’s eyeball” wouldn’t attract as much in NFTs.
by the bye, somehow i get a gap in the original post, yet lacking in the image of the “eye” itself, so as a public service, here is the “eyeball” (‘convincing’ isn’t it?)
(“at least turn your cell-phone horizontal when photographing magical eyeballs, sheesh”)
Luckily I already spent my hard earned money on these magic beans.
Oh! I thought they meant one of these:
Yes, and a rusty one at that.
For $242K, it should at least be a spork.
Everybody knows that this was a scam. The nature of mermaid’s eyes is such that they almost immediately draw the attention of wererats, who consume them to gain resistance to silver. There’s really no feasible way to prevent this so all commercial mermaid eyes are typically just boring old griffon bezoars.
If someone tried to sell me something with magical powers my first question is why would you sell it?
Couldn’t they use the magical powers to make themselves rich beyond their wildest dreams?
Cursed counts as magical…
That’s where you come in!
@sqlrob - Split the difference and go grapefruit spoon?
Well, duh, obviously it was fake - everyone knows that real mermaid eyeballs cost a lot more than that.
For that price, you should get both eyes.
And that is my bingo card completed!
And it’s only February. Gonna twiddle my thumbs for the rest of the year.
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