Two-year-old solves the classic trolley problem by killing everyone

From scratch!

Somehow, given the headline, this post seems to be on topic.

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Well, he certainly solved the trolley problem of “leaving witnesses”…


What’s being overlooked here is that the kid gives the only correct response to the trolley problem: “Uh-Ohhh.”


I think this would be a fairer solution.

Put the trolley and trolley tracks in a box with an emitter of radioactive particles and a detector that will switch tracks if it detects a radioactive particle.

All the people on the tracks will be both dead and alive unless someone looks inside the box.


Schroedinger’s Manslaughter. The person controlling the trolley will be equally guilty and not guilty for his decision until someone observes/measures the outcome.


I like his patently insincere “uh-oh!” at the end. Even at his tender age, some part of his brain realizes that he’s going to have to control the narrative going forward from this debacle.

Uh-oh! Clearly this was a tragic and unforeseeable accident. Nothing more could have been done to prevent this regrettable occurrence. I sawwy! No further questions.”


Is this trial happening in Scotland?

Needs more recursive uncertainty

The people inside the box will be observing each other. Unless they’re dead.

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