U.S. London embassy disavows scientist's advice to put salt in tea

I like English Breakfast tea. And sometimes I add baked beans for the Full English Breakfast.


My S.O. vetoed the dedicated Marmite storage cabinet.

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Not you, him.
Why would he do that?
Has he not discovered the bliss that is Marmite on toast with a glaze of honey?

Hat-tip to @FloridaManJefe , who turned me on to this, and this is actually the only way I eat Marmite now. Dog Bless You.


Oh! I’ll have to try that and see if it’s any better. So far, the only use I’ve found for it is securing a wobbly chair leg. A bit dripped on the floor and now the chair is firmly fixed to the floor, but the leg doesn’t wobble anymore!


Do you mean the honey or the Marmite?
Honestly, I can see how both could be used as glue.

Trust me, though, @FloridaManJefe put me onto a goodun a few years back. Butter your toast, smear it with Marmite, and then use a teaspoon to drizzle the honey over it.

(If you don’t have a teaspoon, you may use either a knife or a wheelbarrow).


Sorry, I meant the Marmite. I love honey! Marmite just confuses me. I’ve been thinking about diluting it and seeing if it works as ok as an ice melt. Seems salty enough that it should. I’ll try the butter/Marmite/honey combo first, though!


oh, my! a dedicated marmite cupboard! my heart flutters!
have you tried this:
marmite spaghetti?
needs strong black tea alongside. to cut the buttery goodness and clear the pallet between each gloriously marmite-y bite!

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Well, you gotta go for it now.
Go on, I promise you won’t regret it.

Bit of butter, bit of marmite, don’t overdo it.
You’ll be in Mouth-Heaven before you know it.

Shit, Sorry, meant to say you gotta add some honey too.
Damn, hope I’m not too late!


When I moved from Canada to Australia, I briefly tried to become interested in cricket. When I learned that games can last for five days and end in a draw, I gave up.

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Us Brits are simply envious of Hockey - apparently the fastest game in the world.
Having said that, I’m now struggling to think of a slower game than our national sport.

Hey ho


One cricket-loving Australian explained it in a way that made sense to me: “It’s not a game for watching with rapt attention. It’s a game for listening to on the radio while you do something that doesn’t require your complete attention - tinkering in the shed, tidying the kitchen, reading the news, that sort of thing.”


ah! but y’all have the footies! [and i am a huge fan. hope not to alienate you if you fancy the gooners, but i am a perennial spurs fan]
of course, USians think that is slow.
WTF do we know?!
but (on topic) one can drink tea at a football match, wher a Tim Horton’s coffee is the warming brew at hockey.

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When I was a teen, I was a West Ham fan.
I couldn’t name a single player today,

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I remembered the honey, forgot the toast, my hands are a mess.

j/k, I only have hot honey at the moment, I need to wait to try this until after my next trip to the grocery store.


Haha, victory. This thread amused my spouse and then I struck. We will be buying an electric kettle so I can brew at different temperatures.
Any recommendations for the US?

We are also checking the grocery for marmite because @FloridaManJefe and @iknownuurthing have me very curious. Would a good sourdough be a decent base or do we need a French or wheat?


oh, yes!
THAT is my second favorite, behind my own homemade Guinness bread.
(which, to be topical is simply wonderful paired with a simple breakfast tea, no sugar, no milk.)


I just picked up this one this week and it is fantastic:

I haven’t done any temperature accuracy testing on it yet, though. It goes from very cold to boiling in a hair over 4 minutes. Nice pour. No complaints.


This summer I tried in vain to find one that was 1) reasonably priced, 2) of an adequate volume, and 3) without plastic parts in contact with the water. Many have plastic panels for seeing the water level, and I don’t want plastic in contact with the boiling water. I ended up buying an inexpensive glass one without temperature settings. IIRC there are more options at higher prices than I was willing to pay.


This one was just $30 on Meh’s Side Deal website yesterday, but sold out already. Might be worth keeping an eye out as they sometimes bring stuff back, I think. Direct from the manufacturer, it’s still less than the OXO posted above, which was $69 on Amazon. I have a bit of buyer’s remorse now. It looks like it’s all steel on the inside:
