U.S. Treasury resumes efforts to place Harriet Tubman on $20 dollar bill

Let them try. Maybe the succeed maybe they don’t, but let’s show who we are, who we can be, and what our vision of the best of America that we should celebrate, and let them do the same. Don’t just stick with a bad status quo.

I’m not saying we should never consider “how the GOP will use this for evil”. When we talk about removing legal safeguards in order to go after white supremecists but where the same tools can be used to attack civil rights activists we have to be careful. But this is a bank note not a crime bill. Ultimately it is a piece of paper. Lets say we change the $20 to Tubman but in 10 years Republicans change it to… I know know, David Duke. That’s terrible. But the terrible thing isn’t so much the ink on the paper, its the symbolism and the proof that enough people with enough power think David Duke is what we should aspire to be as a nation. And that is bad whether or not they actually put him on the note.


Treasury: We have a new pro-gun design for our currency!
Republicans: Hot damn, it’s about time!
Treasury: It’s a black woman who fought against racist systems of oppression.
Republicans: […]


what’s crazy is that the Speaker of the House was once named “Newt Gingrich.”


I apologize. I did not mean to paint the entirety of the South in such a light (I was referring to the deep red parts of the South that went 80-90% Trump), but I can see how my comment came off that way. And indeed, deep red counties can be found throughout the country. My comment was in poor taste and I am sorry.


there was talk of making the twenty like the quarter. with various people and things featured on it. this was part of a “compromise” to people who were against the changing the image from jackson to tubman.

i would much rather it just be tubman, but i suspect that idea is still bouncing around out there.


Thank you.


No, thank you for pointing it out.


what’s crazy is that the Speaker of the House was once named “Newt Gingrich.”

Who was good friends with Dick Armey

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