Just the sort of moronic shite I’d expect from the sort of authoritarian fuckwit who likes the idea of lording it over their fellow citizens.
Incoherent drivel isn’t very persuasive, you know.
Also: GDIAF, pig.
Taylor goes on, stating: “I really wish he could have been charged with something like misconduct instead, and then have the indictment fail. Just like the 99.9% of other police brutality and misconduct cases. This is really inconvenient for us and makes our department look bad.”
While this is good and certainly a step in the right direction, I wonder what an average Joe off the street gets for assaulting an officer of the law!!! (see, I can do the excessive exclamation point thing as well
(and some excessive smileys just to be an ass)
[quote=“Jay_Michaels, post:18, topic:58333”]
yup next time you need the police remember what you thought/said
[/quote]“I’d like to call the police, but I’m nervous about them showing up and shooting me dead”?
I applaud this new kind of agent provocateur provided by Boing Boing itself for our entertainment. Much like a fox raised and released for the hunt.
As far a troll-foxes go. Not bad. A little unsubtle I think. I do approve of the technique as it does provide a great source of entertainment and return visits to see the show.
Next time maybe less of an obvious characterchure of an authoritarian sock puppet.
Thanks for keeping things interesting BB!
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