UK cop jailed for beating activist

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Apples, etc. etc. Despite the fact that there is clear evidence that this behaviour is endemic and institutionalised…


It’s refreshing to hear of something approaching Justice being done.

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citzens 1 - abusive police XXX,XXX…

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It could be worse. It could be citizens 0 - abusive police XXX,XXX+1.

Let’s be happy about minor incremental improvements. A sea is made of drops.


Maybe if there was more respect for our policemen and women this wouldn’t have happened, i don’t condone the use of violence by the police but hey put yourself in there position !!! would you want to be sworn at threatened with violence on a day to day basis !!! sometimes we snap !!!, so to all the policemen out there I for one think you do a cracking job under pressure keep it up guys and gals…

is that satire or trolling? I initially assumed satire, but it’s so hard to tell with fresh accounts

also, I love your ellipsis made of exclamation points


I’m going for satirolling. It’s the there/their that gets me, though the !!! are pretty nice as well. Good Stuff!!!


No. You’re wrong. There is no excuse for beating someone like this. The cop who did this lost control of the situation, but when you read the transcripts, he was in control of himself and he was clearly in the wrong. The only bad thing about this is the leniency of his sentence.


Get more in touch with the community, be more than some no-face behind a shiny helmet visor, and people will respect you. Perhaps even the small-time petty crooks.

If you can’t stand the heat, don’t go into the kitchen. If your psychological profile is so weak that you cannot stand the often self-inflicted (or at least self-aggravated, where self applies to the whole police department and the country security apparatus, including its training and values) reactions from those whom you are supposed to serve, you are in a wrong job.

Skulls-cracking job?


Maybe if there was more respect for lawful protesters this wouldn’t have happened, i don’t condone the use of violence by protesters but hey put yourself in there position !!! would you want to be sworn at threatened with violence on a day to day basis !!! sometimes we snap !!!, so to all the protesters out there I for one think you do a cracking job under pressure keep it up guys and gals…

There, fixed that for you. (Or at least the important parts.)


[quote=“Jay_Michaels, post:6, topic:58333”]
would you want to be sworn at threatened with violence on a day to day basis !!! sometimes we snap !!
[/quote]See, this latter sentence is exactly the type of person I’d want to avoid giving a gun to.


All I know is that jailing a cop for this sort of thing seems very un-American.


I like to remind myself of the Peelian Principles when shit like this happens and hope that somewhere in a far green country under a swift sunrise it is the rule and not the exception.

To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.


This is the worst copologising I’ve ever seen on here. Nil Points.


I wish they woulda’ been 5 more paragraphs descriptive in the article about the type of crying he did upon his hearing the ruling, as this would further sweeten the schadenfreude…

I know what you’re saying and hopefully we can incrementally build on stuff like this but the seas are really made of bloody great comets careening into the earth from space. I think we need a little more of that.


pffffffttttt wow such dicks fir one !!! for 2 in-case you cant spell, shhhhhh be quiet ! oh and I thought this was a discussion, apparently not only one sided … yup next time you need the police remember what you thought/said !!!

Are you an actual cop, or merely a cop apologist?

As of a discussion, you brought an argument, we brought counterarguments. Now it is your turn to react to the individual counterarguments with more arguments, preferably well-researched, sourced ones (but really, anything that conveys some useful information will do). The discussion is not one-sided; you are the other side.

Linguistic/style note: exclamation marks add weight to the statement up to about three. Above that, the additional ones become increasingly comical.


And now a response on behalf of the defense: