UK Home Secretary rejects request for her browsing history as "vexatious"

the irony is just delicious!

Funny, I’m finding it rather bitter


Like with chocolate, it can be both.


I’ll take bitter chocolate over Theresa May’s unreasonably invasive government policy.

One improves the human condition, the other…


But note this. If you have 100% intrusion coverage across an entire population’s use of information, that is neither scattergun nor fishing. It’s total. So that’s entirely different.

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Full agreement. More of the one, less of the other!


I’d take yon Hersheys puke scented stuff from across the pond rather than May’s nonsense. Hell, I’d take an actual bucket of puke over her bullshit. Christ almighty, I’d take a steaming pile of… well, as apt a comparison as it is I’d prefer to just follow the example from this story and throw it back in her face.


Sure. In which case, the refusal of the request is completely irrelevant anyway… and, indeed, desirable.

But someone, with a top security clearance, would have to plough through it all.

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That’s the point. If the govt is never inconvenienced, they will continue doing what they please. This is one of the few if any ways we can increase their data collection cost. If we figure out how to make it uneconomical/unaffordable, they will stop.

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