UK judge: Craig Wright is a technobabbling liar and forger, not as clever as he thinks he is, and also not Satoshi Nakamoto

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Another testament to the inherent griftiness of cryptocurrencies.


to fully square the circle, next someone will claim satoshi nakamoto is an ai.


In a shocking twist, the appeal will reveal that Dr Wright is actually George Santos.


This isn’t a legal standard for proof of identity, obviously(and it probably underestimates some people’s burning irrational desire for fame); but I find it pretty hard to take anyone who is being noisy about being Satoshi Nakamoto seriously as a candidate; rather than as someone looking to burnish their credentials for some other crypto scam.

Our mystery man is believed to have mined out more than a million bitcoins for himself, back when doing so was wholly trivial because nobody cared; and unless the private keys have been eaten by bad backups or compromised by someone who mysteriously did nothing with that information(since the ledger is public we know that they haven’t moved; which rules out a theft that involved moving the goods to other wallets) he presumably still has them.

That’s both enough money to make squabbling for fame to run new pump-and-dump schemes now that some regulators are actually paying attention seem like a very strange use of time; and enough money in a shady asset amenable to irregular transfers that you probably don’t want the rubber hose cryptoanalysts of the world to know that you are the one to pay a quiet visit one fine night.


Rubber hose? I thought it was a $5 wrench


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