Ultra minimalist Microsoft Office replacement

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/10/20/ultra-minimalist-microsoft-office-replacement.html


I use this one sometimes:

data:text/html, <body contenteditable style="font: 2rem/1.5 monospace;max-width:60rem;margin:0 auto;padding:4rem;;color:greenyellow;background-color:black;">

<!-- saved from url=(0037)data:text/html,<html contenteditable> -->
<html contenteditable=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"></head><body>THE MATRIX HAS YOU...</body></html>

And you can even save your work! CTRL+S

I think lawngreen is a better shade for the color.

rgb(124, 252, 0)

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Wonderfull stuff. I’ve bookmarked them all.

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Yeah, that’s way better on my nice IPS monitor, but on whatever screen my Chromebook has (is “playdoh” a type of screen?), I have to use the lighter, brighter shade.

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Are you seriously saying the “minimalist” approach is to load an entire web browser!!!

I’ll stick with Emacs and org-mode, does all my word processing, presentations, and (simplish) spreadsheets. And with better looking output :slight_smile:

And its way lighter on resources than Firefox/Chrome/Flavour-of-the-month browser


I mean, sort of yes. The link covers it - if I have a computer it generally has a web browser, and if you need to bang out some text or a few slides, you can get “enough” functionality out of a bookmarklet.

I totally keep a browser scratch pad handy. The slide business sounds nifty, though I might just borrow the nav code and ignore the formatting to do whatever I want. (my favorite wall calendar is a template with some css that I manually adjust per month to print out on whatever size paper feels best)

Thirty GDMF years I been using computers and I learn about this today?

this hack best news all year, how long has this existed?


If it’s highly minimalist it’s not an Office replacement; practically by definition.


Emacs itself is probably not the best choice for criticizing the dependencies hiding beneath people’s “minimalist” structures.

As a product of its time it’s relatively minimalist; but basically bringing a Lisp machine with a platform abstraction layer to the table and then implementing all text editor features on top of that is not…exactly…what minimalism looks like. It has the virtue of being decadent c. 30 years ago; so in absolute terms it’s a rounding error; but as a matter of design it’s far from lean.


If that’s what’s installed on the computer you need to use, yes. You could presumably, use that same browser to access Google Docs or Office 365, or whatever.

I’ll stick with my unholy combination of Devonthink and Scrivener. My siblings write for publishers that necessitate Word-- presumably for the collaboration features.

So… When you write this, what I am seeing is ED IS THE STANDARD!!!

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I just put Notepad on a hotkey. Always a keypress away when I need to jot something down.

It’s HTML5, so only a few years.

I just write a sed regex that filters for what I want to say then pipe dev/random into it.


I though that was @Flossaluzitarin 's schtick.


ctrl-u works for underlining as well!

Real programmers set the universal constants at the start such that the universe evolves to contain the disk with the data they want.