Under-educated white guys against Trump

I thought Julian Assange’s internet was cut off.

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So I know the guy in the lede photo. He was a dedicated “never voting for Hillary, let’s talk about Johnson” guy until about six weeks ago. Good on him, I suppose.


The guy who said ‘my parents like him but they have a lawn jockey…’ cause me to have a coffee spit take. loved it!


Did I see Mark Zuckerberg in that video…?
White male, no college degree. Not such a piercing gaze though…

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The only thing I would conclude is: they were given scripted lines and/or they were over-rehearsed. So that they in effect became actors.

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Depends on the location. The farming community my mother grew up in didn’t have any white citizens with eyes as dark as the hazel-eyed kid in the video. Seriously!   I’ve lived (albeit briefly) in a West Virginia town where everyone had blue eyes myself.

Eh, I see @Boundegar already hit this point.

The hipster in the purple tee - those icebergs are the eye color of both my parents and all four grandparents. (Although not mine - I’m even more recessive.)


Then those Mexican/East Indian/Chinese stand-ins were absolutely fantastic. I think I now understand why Trump uses foreign workers whenever possible. Top quality work at a fraction of the price.

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It sounds like you think you’re disagreeing with me, but you’re helping me make my point.

You look at these guys and see yourself, your family, and your neighbors.

I don’t.

The people in that ad look like people you trust, and like people who are supposedly squarely in Trump’s camp, and yet they’re telling you that patriotism and self-interest are making them vote against Trump.

I’m the kind of person who could never, under any circumstances, vote for Trump. I don’t need that commercial to realize that people like me (and MANY others) would be harmed by having him in public office.

The ad isn’t targeted to me. It’s targeted to people who grow up where everyone has light eyes like they do.


We all know the commercial was produced in a film studio, not in some small town somewhere! But see what I wrote above to explain why the location isn’t the point…it’s the whiteness.

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Good! :+1: (but no, I wasn’t disagreeing per se, just rambling.)

My children’s eyes range from dark chocolate brown to nearly coal black. Even my biological son has no physical resemblance to me.

But my tribe includes all mammals. :slight_smile:   And my mother’s people in rural Virginia are as blue-eyed as it is possible to imagine!

Anyway, I know what you mean about the piercing gaze thing - an angry pale-eyed person has a paralyzing glare, and I’ll use that shamelessly if I need to - but the most captivating eyes are so dark you cannot see where the pupil ends. Pupil dilation is a pretty accurate emotional and romantic indicator, and when someone looks you in the eyes and they appear to have no iris at all, it’s mesmerizing. Sometimes people drop stuff or stumble over their own feet.

I suspect the extremes (clear blue and black-brown) fascinate us all… hopefully, still supporting your point!


It wouldn’t necessarily be in a small town, just a place that is very very white. Besides, it wouldn’t be too terribly difficult to get some small-town guys into a recording studio in the nearest city.

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America’s overton window is right off the wall!

While I agree that’s a serious problem for America and with her Democrat party, it’s no less a problem with the Republican party.

Sadly there is no viable candidatee against illegal spying and extrajudicial killing


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