Undercover cop aims gun at photographer at Oakland protest of police killings


  • to gain intelligence on the organization & leadership
  • to gain intelligence on future plans and activities
  • to gain intelligence on civil disobedience affinity groups
  • to document and provocateur for minor crimes unrelated to the demonstrations under which the leadership can be prosecuted
  • to foment paranoia and distrust within and among the organizations


  • to draw individuals into property destruction so they can be prosecuted
  • to cast a shadow of violence on the whole event which will turn the press, families of protesters, and those who were considering getting involved against the demonstrators
  • to justify a harsh law enforcement response in the short term
  • to justify law enforcement budgets, department sizes and new high tech arsenals in the long term
  • through a combination of fear of prosecution, paranoia over who to trust, and revulsion to the violence, to cause the nonviolent demand for justice to fizzle out