Underwear-clad man outside of courthouse with sign: "Return my bong"

And the near-nudity fits in how exactly?

I feel compelled to note that Waterloo public buildings remain un-bonged.

In recognition of this man’s righteous cause, I hereby propose that a certain online outlet rename itself to “bongbong” for the day.


It’s like a Seuss poem:

Dong in thong
his bong is gone
Dong in thong takes long bong hit
Long bong hits makes thong dong sit


Thank you, Jack Handey!


Cannabis is a fine medicine for some conditions and some people, but I think at this point perhaps he and his doctor should start examining alternatives…

I think his marijuana use cause his panic attacks.

Oh, probably.

But seriously, anyone experiencing anxiety or panic attacks - stoned on THC or not - might benefit from trying some CBD. It’s a safe, natural, mild herbal anxiolytic. Probably won’t fix the underlying problem, whatever that is, but definitely cranks the twitch factor down a bit.

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Usually, though, the MMJ docs will suggest CBD rather than THC for panic and anxiety attacks.

THC all by itself tends to cause anxiety and paranoia in some people, especially at higher doses. CBD’s natural anxiolytic effect helps balance that out.

CBD by itself with little or no THC would be the obvious choice, IMHO, for pre-existing anxiety attacks.

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I don’t have experience with the (the state I live in hasn’t started it’s medical program yet, and frankly it’s one of the worst in the country), but for a safe (*) herbal anxiolytic I’ve found kava to work well.

(*) safe provided you take it in herbal form and without things which can stress the liver. Some of the extracts are decidedly not safe, and were in fact banned in some European countries for a while.

Fair enough. But again, that scrip is common.

I like that :slight_smile: Here’s another one:
Cops took bong A then gave it back.
Cops took bong B after snack attack.
Give me back my b bong now!
Give it back, I’ll show you how.
(Takes hit of bong. Looks down at speedo-clad self, around at courthouse lawn, forgets what he’s doing here and walks home.)


'cause summer comes but once a year in canada

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