Unelectable Lindsey Graham throws caution to the wind

Do you think that would make the slightest difference to Trump’s campaign?


Yes, yes and yes. Muslim communities are too vulnerable.

Part of being caliph is ruling territory, you can’t do that as an insurgency. Also, obviously US boots is a bad idea.

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They have time on their side: just bleed the “invader” wait for it to leave and get back at your caliphate. It worked many times in the past and it will again.

If you really wanna beat daesh you need to get the biggest names in the sunni world to declare them “un-islamic”. And I am not talking about paying lip-service to the west, I am saying full apostate.

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Yes, his ratings would go up.


Yes, and remember that there are currently 31 Republican governors and 31 Republican dominated state legislatures, compared to only 11 Democratic dominated ones. They’ve been at this for decades and the problem goes deep.


This is getting a bit off topic, but they haven’t exactly been paying much attention to what’s been said about them so far…

“Muslim scholars and movements from across the Sunni Islamic spectrum have rejected the caliphate declared by the Islamic State group, with the fighters receiving scathing criticism from both mainstream religious leaders, and those associated with their former allies, al-Qaeda.”


Lindsey Graham almost went the full Bulworth!

It’d be refreshing to have real conservatives like he was (for seven minutes) back instead of the wannabe fascist wingnuts that have taken over the GOP. Let’s be clear though, Graham isn’t centrist, and he’d be the first to admit it. He’s just not a complete wacko like Cruz and company.


The aftermath would be able to fill sooooo many elevators and hallways with blood torrents.


If you’re desperate for consensus,why not do a survey?


ALL consensus is fake consensus.

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Here go the math axioms…


That’s a dangerous position to take.

Scientific consensus is real and how progress is made. If there’s no consensus on, say General Relativity working, then it would have been impossible to set up the GPS system for instance. Because nobody would agree and work together, and that kind of project would take longer than a human lifetime to achive if just one person set out to do it on their own.


For the love of Doge!!!



The beauty of physics, and by extension engineering and science in general, is that it does not require a consensus. You’re either close enough to how it works, and then your toys work, or you aren’t and then they fail. The consensus that results is achieved by weeding out of the competing hypotheses.

If the weeding process is not implemented, there is no single reality to agree upon and we end up with e.g. philosophy.


At the risk of getting too “meta-”, there seems to be a lot of science which suggests that reality might be essentially plural.

That’s the other way around! Science is, for better or worse, one branch of natural philosophy. >ducks<

Sure. But I’m positive you, striking out on your own in the 1970s,at that level of scientific knowledge and with absolutely no collaboration, would make a valiant effort, but fail to launch a whole GPS constellation and setup all the receivers on your own.

There’s just too much work for one person.

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I have a hunch it will be either disproved or relegated into irrelevancy as it won’t change anything for us (see the multiverse hypothesis).

True that. The difference is, once it evolved the mechanism for weeding out crap, it rocketed forward.

On one hand, true. On the other hand, it needs just enough scientists/technicians of one superpower-grade country to achieve this with relative ease; no requirement that all the other countries agree on the underlying interpretation of reality (their versions would then either not work or not even be attempted). In such setting you can easily have a minority that is close enough to The Truth and a majority that has no clue.

…actually, see the masses who cannot comprehend why the jelly in a microwaved donut becomes scalding hot…


That single group of people still has a consensus. Because they all at least agree on doing the project together.