Unfriend him: This is how Matthew Perry wanted to be remembered

Originally published at: Unfriend him: This is how Matthew Perry wanted to be remembered | Boing Boing


Thanks for this. It’s a reminder of how important it is to be present for other humans – even ones we don’t know – and to extend small kindnesses when we see they need them.


I have been heartened by the fact that I have seen Perry’s message about wanting to be remembered for helping people shared almost as much as Friends clips. Of course, as a person in recovery myself, I have a lot of other people in recovery as social media contacts, so that skews things a little, but still…he did a good thing. RIP.


I would much rather live in a world where people give good Karma. Imagine all the people livin’ life in peace. :peace_symbol:


These remembrances are very sweet. I never like the Friends show – it just rubbed me the wrong way; I couldn’t sit through an episode.

So I will have no problem remembering Mr. Perry as a human being, not an actor. May his memory be a blessing.


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