Unhealthy coping mechanisms

One with adjustable sarcasm - giphy


Man, I just love the music of the 25th century.


Ah, yes, Col. Wilma Deering… The television crush of many a young nerd of that era… Including me…


Try to judge television from previous eras with a degree of compassion. Yes, 40-odd years later, the show seems quaint and dated; but we may say the same thing about the current lineup 40 years from now. Remember that 40 years before that, the ‘cutting edge’ of home entertainment came over the radio… And what were some of the highest-rated shows of the 1940s like, in terms of writing, characterization, and so on…?

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Very true, with one exception. The Dukes of Hazzard is astonishingly awful. I can’t believe I used to watch that abomination. Adults must have thought it was idiotic… right?


It’s amazing. Even though they’re playing make believe instruments from the 25th century, the actors are still able to make it look like they’re faking it.


That link was great! For what TV was capable of showing, the effects were impressive. Lots of old sci-fi film/TV has the wires showing up after remastering. But now I can just appreciate seeing through all the effects and hackneyed writing as an adult and enjoy it on another level.

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And…it was an hour long! Dukes of Hazard was 10 minutes of plot and 50 minutes of car jumps, give or take an ad.


It might be possible to take the entire 'Dukes of Hazzard" and cut it into 10-minute segments, then have those played back at random: perfect for a TV playing in a loud bar where nobody is really watching that closely. The loop/stream could be hours long.

Come to think of it, this could work for most TV shows.


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I’m trying to think what he was famous for. Itt’s on the tip of my tongue …

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Let’s not forget that Twiki was also voiced by someone else for a handful of episodes in the second season (with no actual explanation why the change occurred)

Sadly, not as many as should have. The Dukes’ appeal came from pandering to Southern fantasies in many ways, like “rebels always get away” and “the women are all hot”. Not to mention the complete lack of any people of color in the regular cast.

And what’s so embarrassing about that last part is how long it took the mainstream (i.e., “white”) culture to notice and call them on it…


It’s a Grosse Pointe, and it will test your MattLe…

Allan Cole and Chris Bunch, main writers for “Buck Rogers” in the 25th Century" were some of My favorite Science Fiction Writers. The “Sten” Series in particular. They only wrote for Television to pay the bills, and they were damn good at it! Check out "Buck Roger is a fatty! Ardala definitely isn’t through the Television link. Late 70’s and 80’s TV could have been much worse without them.

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