Universal Music's anti-piracy ads reached new heights of crazypants gore

I think it’s aimed straight at the Cannes “Golden Lion” judges. This has every mark of what we call in Brazil fantasmão – “big ghost”, which is kind of a scam ad campaign designed solely to build buzz and win awards through shock and awe tactics. They’re not meant to be actually shown to the world in the normal sense or even approved by the client, but instead to be outrageous enough to have a shot at international prizes and give the ad agency a kind of reputation for fearless, edgy creativity. Big Brazilian agencies seem to be quite fond of this, but I’m sure it happens everywhere. The article linked above suggests Saatchi already had a reputation for being a “Cannes Farm” way back in 2008.

Indeed. I’m sure being Boinged is worth at least a high-five and a commemorative printout to add to the hype pile.


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