University of Texas students protesting open carry gun law with open carry dildo protest

Ok then.

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Because real bullying is done by women, without guns?


Iā€™m not sure why people find it personally offensive.

Well I was ignoring a school of red herrings where everyone was busily deflecting the point I made.

Iā€™ll go out on a limb and state an opinion. I love a good satirical response, but a satirical response requires staying in character When Wavy Gravy put on his clown suit, he got threatened, he beat up, but he stayed in character. If heā€™d ever said ā€œOh people are mean,ā€ that would have been the end of him.

Iā€™m looking for a primary source on this, but half-assing a response to bullying as a public plea for sympathy is rather like running through the woods tooting a ā€œwounded rabbit predator call.ā€ You know, youā€™d think rabbits somehow would have evolved to the point where they just donā€™t do that. But as long as wounded rabbits scream, they will continue to be the Hostess Twinkie of the animal world, because that behavior draw predators from every direction.

Is it rude to ask if gun control is now somehow rolled into Gamergate or something? Because that seems like a political ratfuck of gun control efforts. Itā€™s mostly on the liberal side that there are people that just bounce from issue to issue yelling ā€œMine! Mine!ā€ and ratfuck it as surely as any planted provocateur.

Ummā€¦ Wha?


in Newspeak, CRIMESTOP. CRIMESTOP means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction.

It isnā€™t offensive. It just isnā€™t relevant.


It seems to worry you a great deal.

Iā€™m not worried at all. Youā€™re just wasting everyoneā€™s time with your personal little anecdote while actually ignoring the point of the discussion and what people are saying.

I feel for your daughter, abstractly, but, frankly, I donā€™t care in the context of this conversation because she has nothing to do with it unless sheā€™s a public, female figure on the Internet who is being threatened with rape for speaking her mind.

Quit derailing.


[quote=ā€œalbill, post:142, topic:67349ā€]
Iā€™m not worried at all. Youā€™re just wasting everyoneā€™s time with your personal little anecdote while actually ignoring the point of the discussion and what people are saying.[/quote]
I would suggest that itā€™s because discussing real acquaintances punctures the bubble of fantasy in which we live vicariously through strangers on the internet while conjuring up whatever emotional state builds our ego by getting the approval of the in-group. Meaningful discussion about people we know pops that balloon.

Oh itā€™s not about gun control any more? Because ā€œrapeā€ isnā€™t in the BoingBoing story, so youā€™re the one derailing.

I brought up rape because the women who started the hashtag has been doxed and is getting death and rape threats, You responded to me on that comment, so everyone since then is responding to you in light of that first interaction, thats where the ā€œrapeā€ comes from.

No one has any idea what your daughter is going through at all, I hope she gets through it and gets some salient advice.


I was reading up on this one. The law does not allow open carry on campus, but it does allow concealed carry for those with permits. I can see how this would make some uncomfortable. Also, most people know that one of the first mass shootings was at UT Austin, but most do not know that students were able to return fire, and caused the shooter to abandon his initial firing position for one that gave him less access to targets, and from which he could not see the officers( and a civilian) who made it to the tower deck to stop him.

Thatā€™s fine, I have no trouble with that. Can you make it clear to everyone that we donā€™t need your permission to not talk about rape? Thereā€™s probably a subreddit for that. Iā€™m not arguing that anyonse shouldnā€™t talk about rape, but please respect the rights of the rest of us to not talk about rape on demand.

Never said you did. You asked why everyone was talking about rape and accused @albill of derailing, I was simply pointing out that he wasnā€™t.

Talk about whatever you want, no one has any duty to respond to you at all.


No one cares about your anecdote. The plural of ā€œanecdoteā€ is not ā€œdata.ā€

Iā€™m done responding to you. Have fun with your personal echo chamber.


Quite true, but the assumption is that I do not have that right, that I am obligated to respond.

You can press the button on the vending machine and it if gives you a Baby Ruth instead of a Zagnut, punch the machine. Thatā€™s not how it works with people.


Congress need only define ā€œwell-regulated militiaā€, which might cause as much drama, but would be a lower bar for passage.

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Wait wait waitā€¦ you are saying that the bubble of objectively observable facts can only be popped by personal anecdotes?