University student gets a zero because her art project violated dress code

That (and older classical art) was the basis of a number of fun conversations I’ve had over the years with Mormon missionaries when they pulled out the “nudity is always sinful” statements.

Just because a place is conservative and religious doesn’t mean one can predict what they will or will not freak out over. Applying a dress code meant for students on campus to models in photography projects is a little unusual.


Jesus as traditionally depicted, sandals, beard, long hair, would be in such deep shit if he showed up at BYU.


Jesus is a construction.

P.S. Shall we deconstruct Him?

P.P.S. Derrida or Foucault?

Your choice is yours, I don’t begrudge it. Others make different choices of their own free will. Many in this thread would claim otherwise or proudly mock those choices. I get that you made your choices under less than ideal circumstances but OTOH I talked the other day with a Jewish man who became religious in college and his secular parents disowned him for it. Funny ol world.

Personally I’ve worked with a number of BYU grads and only had good work experience with them. As for this woman getting a zero on one assignment, maybe that will end up as a career preparation experience.

I will assume this is serious.

Apparently they wear bikinis and speedos in figure drawing classes at BYU. And yes the bikinis go all the way up over the shoulders.

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There is one thing I related that I don’t myself personally believe, but yes, completely serious.


My school costs about $5k in tuition. The first year I attended the BFA graduation exhibition there was a naked girl in a plexiglass box hanging from the ceiling. Mind you: Canada.


I want to know why the regiment presented the accused with a special pair of gaiters!

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Yes, there are plenty of Mormons in Hawaii, and BYU Hawaii is most assuredly a real place. I’ve heard that Pacific Islanders are the ethnic group converting to Mormonism at the highest rate, but I haven’t verified that. Polynesian Mormons believe they are descended from Hagoth.


Francis E. Dec, Esquire if you please!

Its all pretty tame as long as unicode is avoided.




I can imagine that a degree of either impishness or heavy irony helps when dealing with their batshit Robert E Howard-style mythology.


I reckon .rocks might be good, on account of the prominence of magic stones in the early cult.

But they still expose the ankle. How is that even legal in the new America?

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I don’t think the droll tone I was intending came through. So, let’s try that again.

Yeah… religious “art”.


Yeah, she should’ve gone and gotten her degree here:

or here:

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I dont know! Is it?

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